Kate Messner's School Librarian Advisory Team 

With recent shifts in social media, support for libraries, and school budgets, it feels more challenging than ever to connect kids with books they’ll love. I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how authors who write for young people can better serve school libraries and their readers and how to make sure you hear about new books for your kids. To that end, I’m setting up a School Librarians Advisory Team for the coming school year with a few representatives from each state and several international school librarians as well. Here’s a little more about what that means...

As an advisory team member, you’ll:

-Have early access to preview all of my new books and occasionally other authors’ upcoming titles for curious readers in grades K-8
-Share titles you love with fellow librarians, educators, families, and readers via social media, newsletters, and state book award nominations.
-Receive periodic emails requesting input from you and your readers about new series topics, book titles, and cover art.
-Have priority access to free in-person author visits when I’m on a publisher-sponsored book tour that includes your city.
-Get invitations to a selection of free virtual author visits that fit your readers’ interests.

 If this sounds like a good fit for you and your readers, just fill out this form to apply, and I promise to get back to you later this summer. Even if you’re not selected for the advisory team, you’ll get an invitation for your school to attend a free virtual author visit this fall!

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Name *
Email *
Your School *
City *
State *
What grades does your school library serve? Please check all that apply. *
What of the following are most of interest to you? Please check all that apply. *
Which of my books are most popular in your school library? (Please check all that apply)  *
What kind of books are you and your readers especially interested in seeing? (topics, genres, formats, etc.) 
Do you and your students participate in your state's readers' choice award programs? (I.e. Texas Bluebonnet List, Vermont Red Clover Award, Florida Young Readers, etc.)  *

Other than in your own library, where do you most often share book recommendations? Please check all that apply.


Please share any social media profiles you’d like to invite authors & other advisory team members to follow! 

Is there anything else you’d like to share about what makes you and your readers a great fit for this team? 

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