Firefly Gathering: Demographics Survey

Thank you for taking the time to fill out our survey. We are committed to    diversity, equity and inclusion. We understand that this may be sensitive information. This data is anonymous and will serve multiple purposes:

  1. Helping us understand how we reflect the communities we serve;

  2. Equipping our staff with information to better serve the needs of our communities;

  3. Tracking our progress with our Board of Directors, our grantees, our students, and our communities; and

  4. Applying for funding, including grants, which will help make our programming more accessible.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Age: What is your age?
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Race, Ethnicity, Origin, or National Identity: Which identities best describe you and your ancestors? Select all that apply:

Ability: Do you have a long-lasting or chronic condition that substantially limits one or more of your major life activities?
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Education: Which categories describe your education? Select all that apply:
Gender Identify: How do you currently describe your gender identity? Select all that apply:
Sexual Identity: Which of these best describe your sexual identity? Select all that apply:

Income: What is your average yearly income?

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Household: How many people do you support on that income?
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Financial Security: My income is enough to meet my needs and the needs of my family
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Financial Security: I feel financially secure
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Financial Security: I have access to financial support, if I need it
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Financial Security: I have enough to share with others
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