Arcadia Volunteer Registry
Thanks for your interest in volunteering as an individual for Arcadia! This form will help us figure out how best to use you, how to contact you, and keep you in the loop on all the cool opportunities we have! Below you will have the chance to tell us when you are available and what kind of volunteer opportunities you would like to be involved in. We will direct your information to the appropriate staff member who will reach out as volunteer needs arise. The pace of our operations and need for volunteers increases as the growing season starts, with lots of work ramping up from May - November. You are welcome to contact us at with questions!
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We're going to put you on our volunteer and general newsletter list, ok?
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What is your general availability?
How did you find out about Arcadia?
What else should we know about you? ie, where do you work? What are you passionate about? What drives you to volunteer for Arcadia!?
"I can tell you I don't have money. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me useful to a food-focused nonprofit like you."
These are not the sort of skills we are talking about.
My mysterious talent is (insert) and I suggest you use it thusly:
Check yes if you would you like to volunteer for our Farm Education program. These programs are typically held on weekdays during business hours in the spring, summer and fall, and take place at Arcadia Farm. Reliable transportation is helpful. Training is provided so don't worry if you don't know a pistil from a stamen!
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Check yes if you would like to volunteer to help our farmers grow vegetables for market.  These opportunities are typically Monday - Friday during business hours, with some weekend hours available during the growing season. Training is provided in harvesting and safe-food handling, so we love volunteers who can commit to a regularish schedule. In 2017 volunteers provided more than 2,000 hours of labor to our farm, making fresh fruits and vegetables more affordable in the low-food access neighborhoods we serve.
Check yes if you would like help care for our flock of laying hens. These opportunities are typically during the weekend and during the week if staff members are out of town. This is a great job for families who live near the farm. Chicken tending takes about 15 minutes. You'll refresh their water, fill their food bowl and periodically move the chicken tractor to fresh grass.
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Check yes if you would like to help out at an event. It could be a farm dinner, a fall festival, a beer festival, or a lecture or a master class. These opportunities are typically on weekends, but may be on a weeknight too.
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Check yes if you would like to volunteer with our Mobile Market, which is on the cutting edge of food access for low-food access neighborhoods. These opportunities are typically Monday through Saturday during the day, and are best for people who can make a somewhat regular commitment. You might be restocking shelves, checking in customers to the Produce Plus Program, surveying customers or otherwise making the market hum! Training will be provided. These markets are typically in DC on weekdays with one Saturday market in Virginia.
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And now for the legal stuff! (Please read this section carefully and initial the bottom so we know you did! We appreciate that you want to help out and do everything we can to make your time with us safe, fun and fulfilling. But before you begin, we need you to know that volunteering with us can expose you to personal injury or damage to your property. We'll ask you to sign a similar waiver when you start with us. Let us know if you have any questions.)  "I would like to volunteer with Arcadia. I understand that as a volunteer I will not be paid for my efforts and I will not be covered under workers compensation insurance. I am at least 18 years of age and I will get the consent of Arcadia to bring anyone younger than 18 to the Farm, Market or other programs. I understand that activities with Arcadia involve serious risks. I may be exposed to, for example, but not limited to: insects; wildlife; farm animals; inclement weather; extreme temperatures; heavy machinery; tools; the actions and negligence of employees, volunteers, and other people present on the program; and dangerous conditions on the land such as holes in the ground, traffic or electric fence. I understand that these examples are not all-inclusive and there may be additional risks, all of which may involve personal injury, death, or damage to my property.
More legal stuff! In exchange for the opportunity to participate in Arcadia activities, I (and my family, heirs, and personal representatives) willingly and knowingly release Arcadia and its officers, owners, employees and agents from any and all liability for any personal injury or damage relating to my participation. I (and my family, heirs, and personal representatives) agree to assume all of the risks and responsibilities of my participation. I understand that I am solely responsible for any hospital or other costs arising out of any personal injury or property damage relating to my participation. I understand that there are no medical services available on site or otherwise, and I give permission to Arcadia to authorize emergency medical treatment for me.  
The home stretch! I release Arcadia and its officers, owners, employees and agents, from liability for any injury or damage that might extend from such emergency medical treatment, including first aid rendered at the site.       I further agree that this waiver should be interpreted as broadly and inclusively as state law permits. I understand that I may be photographed while volunteering  and these photographs may be used for promotional purposes including, but not limited to, social media (facebook, twitter, instagram), brochures, and Arcadia’s website. I further agree that this waiver should be interpreted as broadly and inclusively as Virginia  law permits." Got all that? We good to go? *
Do you have reliable (private) transportation? The farm can be hard to get to on public transportation.
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