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Havuja#!@%&! Bootcamp registration, Spring 2024
Session themes and dates of Spring 2024:
Tue 7.5. Bootcamp session 1: Idea crystallization
Wed 15.5. Bootcamp session 2: Market research
Tue 21.5. Bootcamp session 3: Project planning
Thu 24.5. Bootcamp session 4: Pitching training
Thu 30.5. Bootcamp session 5: Pitching day
All sessions start at 15:30 and are held via Zoom.
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* Indicates required question
First name and last name
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Email address
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Educational institution, if you are a student (bachelor/master/doctoral)
University of Eastern Finland
Savonia University of Applied Sciences
Sakky Vocational College
I am not a student
If you are a student, what is your field of study?
Your answer
Please describe briefly the idea which you want to develop during Havuja Bootcamp (max 100 characters). The answer will be shared only with Havuja Bootcamp coaches.
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Do you have anything else you wish to say?
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