Claim Your Crown 👑: The Abundance Collective Platinum Application
We are about to do something very daring in our Platinum level of The Abundance Collective 👑 and we are looking for the women who are ready for it.

You don’t need to dim your light. Take up space. You living fully unleashed and alive is such a blessing to the world 🪩 

If you’re ready to claim your destiny in a bold way this is for you. It’s time to make your move and up level how you walk through the world. It’s time to make offers to the tune of 6-7 figures in your business and claiming what's in escrow for you, fill out this application.

We will get back to you soon if it feels like a fit for what we're creating!
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What's your first and last name? *
What's your email address? *
If you could paint the picture of your most delicious, sexy, bold and abundant life – what would it look like?  *
Take a moment to close your eyes and see yourself living this possibility. Who is the version of you who is in the picture? Describe her. *
If you've already been working to step into this new version of yourself, what has worked? What are the struggles or challenges you have faced?  *
On a scale from 1-10, how READY are you to lay down the old identity, put on your crown, and unapologetically step into the boldest, brightest version of yourself?  *
Not ready
Hand me the crown!
Are you ready to make a $1,000+/mo investment toward becoming and living this new identity in real time? *
Are you ready to take 20 seconds of courage on every, single call to make bold moves toward becoming and truly living as this fierce new version of you? *
Where are you at right now in your business, and where do you want to be? *
Are you ready to put down the old self so you can step into the new one, making offers and doing things outside your old comfort zone? *
Which investment feels best for this? *
What would you like to see in the Platinum level? (choose only your top 3!) *
If there's anything else you'd like to see in this container that wasn't listed above, enter it below. *
Please add your Instagram handle, website, or any other relevant links. (It's okay if you're not making 6-7 figure yet - we want to get to know you.) *
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