Mills PTA Communications Request
Use this form to have your organization's information posted in the weekly Mills Messenger email. The deadline for Messenger submissions is 10:00pm on Friday in order to give the communication team time to prepare the Messenger before it is delivered on Sunday. Please submit Facebook posts directly to the Mills Facebook page. If you have questions about this form, please email them to
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Email *
Organization Name: *
(e.g.   PTA Yearbook, Chess Club, Bits, Bytes & Bots)
Our organization type is: *
Title of Your Message: *
This could be something like, "PTA Requests Fall Festival Volunteers" or "Spirit Night At Waterloo" and will be the header of your message.  
First week of posting the message. *
Number of weeks to run the message: *
File upload
If your submission is in a file, upload it via this link:

Please name the file to match the "Title of your Message".

You must "SUBMIT" this form after you upload the file (or we won't see it!)
If you have plain text, you may place it here:
Comments Section:
Is there additional information we need to know?  
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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