Agency Volunteer Needs Covid-19 Form  
As a dedicated volunteer hub for Monterey County nonprofits, Community Builders has set-up our website to promote immediate volunteer needs in response to the COVID-19 virus. Please complete the following form so we can link volunteers to your organization.  Think creatively - there are many people sheltering in place right now want to be busy and use their skills.  Others are comfortable volunteering on-site (with safety precautions, of course). Please complete the following form if you have a need for volunteers.

Questions or comments contact
Tish Sammon  (831) 373-6628;
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Email *
Name of  Agency *
Person to Contact
Phone number
Please describe your volunteer needs/opportunities. *
Any virtual projects?
Location *
Will this be short or long term opportunity?
What time of day are volunteers needed? Check all that are needed.
Are there any specials skills required? Please list in area provided. *
Any requirements? (car, fingerprinting, age, computer access?) Please list
What safety precautions do you practice for staff and volunteers with this position?
Please add any comments or considerations:
Tish Sammon
Community Builders for Monterey County
(831) 402-0298/cell
(831) 373-6628/business
Community Builders for Monterey County is a hub to connect volunteers to community needs through our on-line program. We also provide phone and email recommendations to volunteers but we do not do not place or train volunteers.  Your agency will need to screen, train, orient volunteers that come through CBMC as per your policies and as you would any other volunteer.
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