Sign-up for the Computer Science & Robotics Club
Join our Computer Science and Robotics Club and explore the world of technology with a passionate community. We offer learning, collaboration, and innovation opportunities. Together, we shape the future of computer science. Join us for this exciting adventure!
If you are interested in joining our club, make sure to fill out this form.
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Full name *
E-mail adress *
Phone number *
How did you hear about our club?
Have you ever participated in computer projects, hackathons, or similar competitions?
If yes, please specify the details:
Why do you want to join our club?
What are your specific interests in computer science, and what do you hope to achieve as a member of our club?

Would you like to be part of the computer science club's executive team? 
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If yes, please select a cell that interests you from the following options:
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I commit to actively participating in the computer science club's activities, adhering to the internal regulations, and making a positive contribution to the club's community.
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