Join a Team
We are establishing several  ad hoc teams.   Please let us know if you are interested in joining any of these teams. The meeting time and day and frequency will be based on team members' schedule. We will set up both in person and Zoom meeting based on team consensus.  We are looking for people to lead the team in addition , participate in meetings, and serve in any way best suited to their skills and time. Contact chair Vikki Brown (313-980-1066) or e-mail: if you have questions. 
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I am interested in joining the following team (s) *
Write your comments and/or questions below and how you would like us to respond (phone or e-mail?) and we will get back to you. 
What is your name? *
What is your phone number? *
Is the number you provided a cell or landline?  *
What is your e-mail address? *
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