Outdoor Events Industry Green Survey 2022
Hello event organiser!

Thank you for taking a moment to complete this year's survey. The results help to track our progress, identify challenges, and tailor support for everyone in the event community taking climate action.

In 2015 the first V:2025 survey of UK Festivals asked what sustainability practices organisers had in place, their priorities ands aspirations. The information contributed to the Show Must Go On report (2015) and the launch of Festival Vision: 2025 - a shared vision for a sustainable event industry. The survey is repeated annually to track trends and progress for 100+ UK festivals that have taken the Festival Vision: 2025 pledge to reduce GHG emission by 50% by 2025, and the wider event community.

Please complete the survey by the 16th December 2022

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Your name (optional)
What is your role in the organisation for which you are filling out the survey? *
What is the current status of the person who is managing or leading sustainability in your organisation? *
Festival Name(s) 
Please add event names or name(s) of events in your group (optional)
Does the event(s) take place in the UK
What is the capacity of your event(s) *
If you have multiple events, please tick more than one option as relevant
How many festivals do you represent? *
Please tick the appropriate option or tell us how many in 'other'.
Are you a member of an industry association or trade body? *
Please tick the appropriate box(es)
Are you involved with a specific industry climate action group or initiative? *
Please tick as many as apply
Are there other climate or environmental initiatives are you involved with in any way?
It would be great if you include a url for the project too!
Do you have a net zero strategy for your organisation? *
OVERVIEW: Please tell us if you already do any of the following? *
Please tick any that apply. This will help us to get a sense of changes in practices compared to the last three surveys.
Energy Focus: We are particularly interested in energy, as this is where many festivals are seeing results and cost savings. *
Please tell us if you do any of the following - tick any that apply
If you source biofuel, could you tell us what % of your fuel is biofuel?
If you source biofuel, please tell us which type of fuel you use.
For example is it HVO or WVO, and is it from waste feedstock and certified?
Travel Focus: With travel making up 80% of the average CO2e footprint of UK Greenfield festivals, we are interested in the initiatives that you have in place. Please let us know if you do any of the following: *
Please tick all that apply
Do you communicate directly about reducing travel and transport impacts with any of the stakeholders below?   *
Please tick all that apply
Please tell us about your approach to carbon balancing *
Please tick any that apply
Waste Focus: In regards to waste management please list your current practices: *
Please tick any that apply
Please tell us if you have put in place any NEW measures this year? *
Please tick any that apply as new measures taken this year i.e. not anything that has already been in place in previous years - we understand that many events have not taken place, and may not have been able to implement new initiatives due to pressured lead times and supply chain challenges.
If there is information on your website about your green policies or a specific initiative that you are happy to share on the Vision:2025 website, please add the url below
What areas of sustainability are priorities for your organisation?
Please choose ONLY THREE OPTIONS in order of priority, one, being most important.
Water use
Energy use
Managing Waste
Food sourcing
Serveware & cups
Travel & transport impacts
Overall carbon emissions
Audience communications
Clear selection
Are there any specific environmental issues that you are finding hard to tackle? *
Please name an issue(s) and why it is a challenge or state 'no'.
What are your main frustrations/barriers to improving sustainability? *
Please tick any that apply, and elaborate on specific issues in the "other box"
Have you read the following resources on event sustainability? *
Carbon Footprinting: Please tell us if you measure your carbon footprint *
What support do you think would most help you to implement more sustainable practices? *
Please choose ONLY THREE from the list below
What are the current main drivers for sustainability in your organisation?
Choose THREE OPTIONS in order of priority
Audience expectations
Artists expectations or inspiration
Local Authority requirements
Company/Staff/festival team - internal commitment
Festival industry peers
Fear of bad press
Main driver
Secondary driver
Third most significant driver
If you have already signed up to Festival Vision:2025 pledge, has it inspired or supported  you to take action?
If yes, please tell us how (so we can do more!)
Does your local authority require you to meet any sustainability standards as part of the site permission process or any other official process? *
Choose the answer that describes your situation best
If the answer to the above question is 'yes', please tell us about any requirements to adhere to standards, practices or provide information
Skip this question if not relavent
Sign me up to the Vision: 2025 newsletter for the latest event sustainability resources, news, case studies and blogs *
Thanks for taking the Industry Green Survey - we believe sharing information and collaboration is one way we can move things forward together on climate action. Results will be released in early January. Vision: 2025 is a growing network of over 500 outdoor events and businesses taking positive climate action. We provide the industry’s roadmap for a shared journey toward net zero and the knowledge to help get there; tools, resources, guides, news, case studies, green suppliers directory, and events that connect people. Find out more at www.vision2025.org.uk
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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