Building Skills for Change Oct 15/16
Are you passionate about a social issue? Do you want to make change in your community?

During a two-day workshop on October 15-16, 2016 with Ryerson University's Distinguished Visiting Professor Olivia Chow, the Institute for Change Leaders will teach you how to:

- Tell your story to motivate others and recruit volunteers
- Design a strategy that gets the change you want
- Structure your team to avoid burnout and facilitate growth
- Recruit and keep volunteers
- Choose tactics that move decision makers

Olivia Chow is basing the curriculum 2 day workshop from the teachings of Harvard University Professor Marshall Ganz, an advisor to President Obama's 2008 Presidential campaign.

You will learn through lectures and small group activities that allow you to practice the skills we teach. You will work with an experienced organizer who will facilitate your group and help you plan your organizing project.

October 15-16, 2016, 9:30am - 5pm
350 Victoria Street, POD 370
Ryerson University

Fees (includes snacks, coffee, and lunch):
$60 - regular fee
$10 - students/low-income/unwaged -- will be returned on Sunday if student attends both days

All previous trainings have had a waitlist - so please register early. The deadline to apply will be 9am Wednesday October 12, and you will learn if you are accepted on Thursday October 13th.

If you are accepted, we will send you the link to pay.

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Do you have a current organizing project? If yes, what is it about? (if no, leave blank)
Which organization is your project associated with? (if no, leave blank)
Who are you trying to organize?
Can you attend both full days (Saturday/Sunday 9am-5pm) *
Do you have any dietary needs (vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, etc)
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