Suggest a Purchase/Solicitar una Adición
Please be aware that all purchasing is temporarily paused until the start of the new fiscal year on July 1st, 2024. All purchase requests submitted between June 1st and June 30th will be assessed on or after July 1st, 2024.  

If your purchase request is for an item that was published before May 2023, please email to request an out of network interlibrary loan.

Thank you for your patience. A staff member will be in touch on or after July 1st.

Please fill out this form if you would like to request an addition to our circulating collection. Please note that we are unable to purchase all items that are suggested. You can find our materials selection policy here:

Please fill in as many fields as possible. While your library card number is not required, if you provide it we will notify you if we purchase the item.

Complete este formulario si desea solicitar una adición a nuestra colección. Tenga en cuenta que no podemos comprar todos los artículos sugeridos. Puede encontrar nuestra política de selección de materiales aquí:

Por favor, rellene tantos campos como sea posible. Si bien no se requiere su número de tarjeta de la biblioteca, si lo proporciona, le notificaremos si compramos el artículo.S
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Format/Formato *
Title/ Título *
Author/ Autor/a
Your Name/ Su nombre *
Your library card number / Su número de tarjeta de la biblioteca  *
Is there anything else we should take into consideration?/ ¿Hay algo más que debamos tener en cuenta?
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