Decontamination Quiz
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What is our thought process behind how we are approaching risk management in this context? *
Choose the best answer
1 point
Overhaul compartments must be metered a minimum of every____________minutes? *
1 point
For post structure fire decontamination the best method available is for personnel to be decontaminated using soap and water decontamination prior to disconnecting their SCBA facepiece.   *
1 point
Which of the following decon methods is required at every fire? *
1 point
The incident commander must assign a decontamination officer at every structure fire. *
1 point
Following the new decontamination protocols will eliminate cancer risk. *
1 point
According to the preparatory material what are two basic ways to reduce hazard exposure? *
1 point
Removal of the outer layer of clothing is considered decontamination. *
1 point
When conducting decontamination you should work from.... *
1 point
Personal decon is only done at the station. *
1 point
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