Event Information
Event: 10th Annual Jean and Pete Memorial Event

April 1st- May 17th

Online Virtual Fitness Event! 

Safety of your own home.

Register: Complete the Form Below to Register!

For who:
All ages- SUPER Kid and Family Friendly

Event Info:
Work at your own pace your very own way! Record your "miles" and share them to jeanandpetememorial@gmail.com every Sunday!

Ways to Earn Miles:
Run, walk, trails, kayak, swim, base running, nerf tag, hide and seek, spin class, treadmill workouts, tumbling, gymnastics, other virtual workouts, dance, football, tag, volleyball, basketball, wrestling... and the list could go on! 

Questioning your activity? Just shoot us a message and we would be happy to help you convert it to miles! 

Awards for:
Most miles, Creativity, and Consistency 

Miles Calculator:
One mile of any distance = 1 mile
Intense workout stimulating your heart rate- 15 minutes = 1 mile
Lighter workouts or play- 30 minutes = 1 mile


One person: paypal.me/jeanandpetememorial/10

Family of 3 or more: paypal.me/jeanandpetememorial/25

Donation: paypal.me/jeanandpetememorial
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Name (First and Last Name) *
Email *
Age *
Gender *
Are you registering other family members? If so, please list the names, age and gender of all participants below.
Address (to mail awards) *
Is there anyone who you would like to honor while you are participating in the 10th Annual Jean and Pete Memorial Event. (We will be doing a tribute to these individuals on our Facebook Page and Webpage.) This is NOT a mandatory piece of the event!
Notice: I hereby agree that I am in adequate physical shape to participate in this event, and I voluntarily assume any risk of participating in this event. If I am injured, I agree that I will not sue, or otherwise hold responsible any member of the Onofre family, any affiliated individuals or any race sponors or their employees. (Please provide your electronic signature.) *
By checking yes below, I am finalizing my registration to this event and verifying payment has been made through PayPal (link in the event description above). *
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