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Invasive Species of Windham County
Test your knowledge of common invasive species in Windham County with this quiz.
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Identify this species.
Red-osier dogwood
Burning bush
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Select the Autumn olive picture.
A:Shrub, paddle-shaped leaves, pale yellow flowers in lines of 2-5.
B: A shrub with oblong leaves that are pale and shimmery on the underside, spines on the branches, and red berries
C: A vine with brightly colored fruits along the stems.
D: Reddish stem, dark berries, and can grow to the height of a small tree.
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Identify this species.
Garlic mustard
Water chestnut
Lesser celadine
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Select the wild chervil picture.
A: Yellow, compound, alternate leaves
B: White flowers with 5 notched petals, umbels lace-ovate in shape
C: Loosely clustered flowers
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Identify this species.
Asiatic bittersweet
American bittersweet
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pictures of glossy buckthorn.
A: Leaf margins are perpendicular to the leaf tip
B: Dark berries, smooth leaves
C: Leaf margins are parallel to the leaf tip
D: Shiny leaves
Select the picture of glossy buckthorn.
A: Bark that peels off easily
B: When split, the stems show piths
C: Shrub/tree, bark has white lenticels, inconspicuous flowers
D: Soft thorns along branches
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pictures of buckthorn species.
A: Shrub/tree with bright berries
B: Central pith in stem is dark
C: Stem yellow when cut
D: Thorn on stem, inner stem is orange
Identify this species.
Wild parsnip
Wild chervil
American cow parsnip
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pictures of common buckthorn species.
A: Weak thorn, dark berries
B: Stem with thorns
C: Thornless, reddish stems
D: Toothed margins, parallel to leaf tip
E: Margins perpendicular to leaf tip
pictures of bush honeysuckle.
A: Yellow flowers, serrated leaves
B: White and yellow leaves, leaves with a smooth edge
C: Pith inside of the stem
D: Stem yellow when cut
E: Small berries, oval-shaped leaves
Select the picture of garlic mustard.
A: Low-growing plant with yellow flowers with heart-shaped leaves
B: Immature plants: basal rosettes, mature plants: triangular leaves with white flowers
C: Grows along water, has small white flowers, serrated leaves
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pictures of Japanese knotweed.
A: Shrublike, white flowers
B: Red stalk, dispersing white fruits
C: Triangular leaf shape
D: Short-growing, stalk-like growth
pictures of multiflora rose.
A: Shrub with red berry-like fruits
B: Pink flower, compound leaves with oblong leaflets
C: White flowers, green stems
D: Compound leaves with egg-shaped leaflets
E: Circular leaves, alternate placement
F: Fringed stipules
Select the picture of Asiatic bittersweet.
A: Shiny leaves with prominent venation
B: Alternate, elliptical to circular leaves
C: Large, triangular-shaped leaves
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Select ALL pictures of Japanese barberry.
A: Bright red berries, pale-yellow flowers, paddle-shaped leaves
B: Shrub with red berry-like fruits
C: Bush, has red berries in bunches
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