SWAMP Bioaccumulation Monitoring Program - Tribal Engagement Interest Form
The Water Board’s Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program (SWAMP) evaluated its Bioaccumulation Monitoring Program (Program) and issued a Realignment Plan in December 2020, and an Update in December 2022. The Realignment Plan calls for a focus on incorporating Tribal perspectives and needs into its monitoring efforts and ensuring those data and information are useful and used by Californian Native American Tribes (tribes) who rely on waterbodies for traditional, cultural, and subsistence uses. The inclusion of representatives from Tribal governments and/or Tribal advocacy groups in the Realignment process is central to the success of the Program and long-term (10+ year) Realignment effort. Tribal representatives who choose to participate in a future Realignment Process will have the opportunity to highlight priorities and shape the future of the Program in their region so that it better serves their communities.

In 2023, the Program will be conducting statewide outreach and engagement with tribes that are interested in learning more about the Program or the Realignment process.

The first step of this Tribal engagement process is to set up introductory meetings between Tribal representatives and Program staff. Introductory meetings can be short (~30 min) or long (1 or more hours), depending on Tribal representatives’ interest and availability. The purpose of these meetings is to:
1. Initiate introductions between Bioaccumulation Monitoring Program staff and tribes.
2. Explain the Program and Realignment processes, and gauge Tribal interest and readiness to participate in future partnership opportunities.

The information you provide in this form will be used to schedule meetings between Tribal representatives and Program staff according to the responses and preferences you provide below.

If you have issues using this form, please contact anna.holder@waterboards.ca.gov

Tribal Engagement Plan: https://bit.ly/BioaccumulationPrgm_TribalEngagement
Realignment Products (Plan, Update, Fact Sheet, etc.): https://bit.ly/BioaccumulationRealignProducts
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