Petition to Cal Poly President Jeffrey Armstrong Concerning Lack of COVID-19 Safety Measures During Winter 2022 Quarter
Dear President Armstrong,

We, the undersigned faculty, staff, students, alumni, and community members, write to express our concern with your administration's response to the COVID-19 pandemic at the outset of the winter 2022 quarter. In your email to the campus community on January 1, 2022, you promised "Cal Poly will remain one of the safest places and activities you can be a part of throughout next week and all of winter quarter."[1] In direct contrast to this promise after the first week of the winter 2022 quarter, as expected, Cal Poly is experiencing a COVID-19 surge, having reported the highest number of positive cases since the beginning of the pandemic and SLO County health officials are so overwhelmed, the county temporarily suspended contact tracing on January 7th. [2] The current campus case positivity rate is above 7%. According to the most recent dashboard data, close to a thousand students have tested positive in the past 7 days, representing over 28% of the total cases at Cal Poly in the past 19 months. As of Friday January 7th, many students have yet to receive their first entrance test - in spite of mixing with the Cal Poly community for nearly a week - meaning this number will rise. Furthermore, the number of COVID-19 cases is nearly equal among on- and off-campus students meaning our campus community and the broader SLO County community are at greater risk of COVID-19 now than ever before.

According to news reports, Cal Poly is the ONLY campus in the California State University or University of California systems on the quarter calendar to mandate in-person classes. [3] Not only this, but your administration has allowed a return to in-person instruction without requiring students, faculty, or staff to be tested for COVID-19 before attending class and interacting with the Cal Poly community. Only requiring a test before the first week of class ends ensures that further spread of this virus will go virtually undetected on campus, putting our community at risk. In addition, your administration has refused to mandate the use of N-95/KN-95 masks on campus, and only recommended them in an email dated January 6, 2022, after weeks of minimizing their effectiveness at reducing the transmission of COVID-19. [4] Furthermore, a Mustang News story published on January 6, 2022 [5] and a SLO Tribune story published on January 7, 2022 [6], suggests your administration was so unprepared for the surge in cases that an ill-advised return to in-person instruction would bring that Cal Poly does not have enough quarantine/isolation beds, students are waiting days to get a test appointment and waiting more than 2 hours to be tested, students are being housed in hotels and even given gift cards to the university store in exchange for isolating off-campus. Finally, instead of being informed of a student’s positive COVID-19 test and possible exposure, the office of environmental health and safety is now relying on faculty to report when a student discloses a positive test.

You have dismissed faculty concerns related to virtual instruction, rejecting Academic Senate Resolution AS-911-21 in March 2021, insisting faculty should not have the ability to offer virtual courses in winter or spring 2022 in response to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. [7] You also dismissed faculty concerns about the repopulation of Cal Poly in Fall 2021, rejecting Academic Senate Resolution AS-925-21 in September 2021,  while admitting that your repopulation plan was vague and still in need of "clarifying guidance" from university administrators to work. [8] While saying your administration "empathizes with everyone being affected by the [winter 2022] surge" in COVID-19 cases, your administration has failed to admit its own complicity in the problem or correct its mistakes that have led to a situation the SLO Tribune describes as "dismay and confusion on campus." [9]

Given the amount of travel and interpersonal contact over the December break as well as the transmissibility of the omicron variant, this surge was predictable. Your administration had an opportunity to prepare a proper response that would make Cal Poly part of the mitigation efforts that keep our community safe. However, your administration chose to contribute to the problem at a time when the county health services are already overburdened. So egregious are the safety concerns that according to a survey conducted by the California Faculty Association - San Luis Obispo chapter, more than 60% of faculty respondents chose to hold classes virtually during the first week of the winter 2022 quarter. [10] The number would likely be higher if our faculty were not fearful of retaliation. It is reprehensible that Cal Poly would place faculty, staff, and students in such a situation as to require them to risk their health and safety in order to fulfill a wrong-headed mandate to return to in-person instruction. No one's professional or education career should be contingent upon their willingness to expose themselves or their loved ones to a pathogen whose long-term effects (aside from death) are still unknown.

In light of these concerns, we, the undersigned, demand:
-Faculty be allowed to choose the modality of their courses for the winter and spring 2022 quarters.
-Cal Poly mandate the use of N-95/KN-95 masks on campus and provide N-95/KN-95 masks to all faculty, staff, and students who are required to be on campus. In addition, fresh masks should be provided throughout the quarter.
-In-person classes are scheduled in spaces with demonstrated effective air filtration and ventilation and which allow for adequate social distancing, consistent with CDC guidance.
-Cal Poly reinstitute campus safety measures that allow for the early detection and subsequent mitigation of COVID-19 spread on campus including ongoing weekly surveillance testing of fully vaccinated students during the omicron surge, the wastewater testing program to detect future surges, and ensuring the exposure notification system for faculty, staff, and students operates in accordance with state law.
-Your administration commits to end practices documented by the SLO Tribune [11], which leave students who have not tested positive for COVID-19 in unsafe living situations with roommates who have tested positive for extensive periods.

We feel these measures are the least your administration can do to stop the current COVID-19 surge, allay the fears of the campus community, demonstrate your willingness to engage in shared governance, and, ultimately, provide for a safer working and educational environment - as well as a safer SLO County.


(Signatures will not appear immediately, but will be added periodically from this form)

1. Dr. R.G. Cravens (Faculty, Political Science, Executive Board, CFA-SLO)
2. David (Student)
3. Cindy Linker (Student)
4. Sandi Clement  (Faculty, Biological Sciences, Executive Board, CFA-SLO)
5. Ashley Rios (Student)
6. Gaby Hutchinson (Alumni)
7. Kanak Belgaum (Student, Animal Sciences)
8. Luis Villa (Student)
9. Nick Hopkinson (Student)
10. Sierra Erdem (Student)
11. Tori Blackburn (Student)
12. David McCullough (Alumni)
13. Harneet Kaur (Student)
14. Rory Dinkins (Student)
15. Janine Marion (RN)
16. Brenda Helmbrecht (Faculty, English)
17. Nell Cook (Student)
18. Kira Kelley (Student)
19. Lisa Jouet (Alumni)
20. Kenneth Zhu (Student)
21. Tayler Garis (Alumni)
22. Amanda Edwardson-Lake (Community Member)
23. Lizzy Novikoff (Student)
24. Chris Wrobel (Alumni)
25. Matthew Wikswo (Community Member)
26. Addie Frantz (Student)
27. Lois Petty (Community Member)
28. Raleigh Delk (Community Member)
29. Shane Patrick (Student)
30. Michele (Student)
31. Candace Winstead (Biological Sciences)
32. Lori Temko (Faculty)
33. Mark Kelley (Parent)
34. Victor Gomez (Alumni)
35. Jaylyn Sherburne (Community Member)
36. Von Garcia Balanon (Student)
37. Cassandra Sherburne (Staff)
38. W. Scriven (Community Member)
39. Lucy Passaglia (Alumni)
40. Kris Vander Weele (Community Member)
41. Debra Sherburne (Staff Emeritus)
42. Liz Salomon (Community Member)
43. Jennifer Ashley (Faculty)
44. Jacob McAllister (Student)
45. Ednie Kaeh Garrison (Faculty)
46. Tad Walters (Faculty)
47. Morgan (Student)
48. Ken Marion (Community Member)
49. Jonathan E Bartel (Faculty)
50. Creig P. Sherburne (Family of Staff)
51. Justin Carlson (Student)
52. Sarah Lester (Faculty, Librarian)
53. Sophie Moore (Student)
54. Emme Bullis (Student)
55. Shawna (Student)
56. Madison Mills (Student)
57. Sarah Babcock
58. Kelsey Davis (Staff)
59. Isabella Dollar (Student)
60. Katie (Alumni)
61. Kathie Walker (Alumni, Parent, and Community Member)
62. Padma Maitland (Faculty)
63. Steve Walker (Community Member)
64. Robert Campbell (Community Member)
65. Harvey Greenwald (Emeritus Faculty)
66. Astra Oriana Keelin (Student)
67. Caleb Nichols (Staff and Part-Time Lecturer)
68. Kalynn Marie H (Student)
69. Jathun Somasundaram (Student)
70. Michael Latner (Professor)
71. Evie Kriegbaum (Staff and Student)
72. Ethan Raygoza (Student)
73. Tess McIntyre (Student)
74. Bryce Igawa (Student and Resident Advisor)
75. Leah Nielsen (Community Member)
76. Chrissilda (Student)
77. Danielle Caparas (Student)
78. Hector Delgado Marquez (Student)
79. Greta Jensen (Student)
80. Ian Kuo (Student)
81. Stephanie Allen (Staff, Student, and Parent)
82. Conny Liegl (Staff)
83. Emily (Student)
84. Alexander Silva (Student)
85. Brian Bates (Faculty)
86. Steven Ngo (Student)
87. Dexter Rush (Student)
88. Alia Lescoulie (Student)
89. Sophie Renwick (Student)
90. Evie Levin (Student)
91. Kai Gloeckner (Student)
92. Heidi Kelley (Concerned Parent)
93. Lauren Fung (Student, Animal Sciences)
94. Max Buskirk (Student)
95. Heidi Le Huynh (Student)
96. Amelia Solis Macias (Student)
97. Sophia Maglabe (Student)
98. Isabella Abelgas (Student and Resident Advisor)
99. Mike Ochslong (Student)
100. Janine Darato (Student)
101. Zachary Hoffman (Alumni)
102. Alejandrina Perez (Alumni)
103. Micaela Bataclan (Alumni)
104. Lauren Mansfield (Student)
105. Angela Solis (Alumna)
106. Madeline Wales (Student)
107. Luke Abbaszadeh (Student)
108. Roy Miller (Student)
109. Katrina Prow (Faculty)
110. Luis Ambriz (Alumni)
111. Elana Maggal (Parent)
112. Don Choi (Faculty)
113. Asher Twu (Student)
114. Lauren Barrera Reny (Student)
115. Seth Alejandre (Student)
116. Patricia (Student)
117. Anthony Bui (Student)
118. Jacob Kwong (Student)
119. Katrina Apiado (Student)
120. Luis Murguia (Student)
121. Scott Ferree (Faculty)
122. Lisa (Faculty)
123. James S (Student)
124. Julie Drassinower (Parent of two students)
125. Riley McIntire (Student)
126. Emily Tran (Alumni)
127. Alex Fernandez (Alumni)
128. Teresiana Matarrese (Faculty)
129. Hannah Giang (Student)
130. Shannon Tran (Student)
131. Fabian Camacho (Student)
132. John Butler (Alumni and Community Member)
133. Cameron Shimokawa (Student)
134. SLO County Real Estate Services (Local Business)
135. Nicole Goyette (Student)
136. Camille McLean (Community Member)
137. Christine Nguyen (Student)
138. Austin Koonvirarak (Student)
139. Jasmine Boonsanong (Student)
140. Oma Skyrus (Alumni)
141. Dr. Charles Knight (Faculty)
142. Shin Liow (Student)
143. Annie Tran (Student)
144. Tarsa Yuen (Student)
145. Giancarlo Acosta (Student)
146. Jenny Kwak (Student)
147. Victoria Siaumau (Staff)
148. Lan Lan Lee (Student)
149. Michelle Garcia (Parent)
150. Bridget Lee (Student)
151. Carly (Community Member)
152. Rayven Lai (Student)
153. Michael Park (Faculty)
154. Catherine (Student)
155. Amanda Le (Student)
156. Charls Todio (Student)
157. Ella Mahood (Alumni)
158. Andres Rocha (Student)
159. Alex Chen (Student)
160. Jenisa Nguyen (Student)
161. Megan Pan (Student)
162. Yumi Aguilar (Student)
163. Micahel Valeri (Community Member)
164. Sabrina Hambalek (Student)
165. Deb Donig (Faculty)
166. Kylie O'Donnell (Student)
167. Johan Medina (Student)
168. Teresa Pham (Student)
169. Helena Huang (Student)
170. Kristiana I. Aguilar (Student)
171. Lynne Starling (Parent)
172. Rian Trainor (Student)
173. Daniel Fowler (Student)
174. Jordan Alcaraz (Community Member)
175. Emely (Student)
176. Juan Zavala (Student)
177. Asa Levine (Student)
178. Emma (Student)
179. Jack Bilello (Alumni)
180. Rochelle Cohn (Parent)
181. Lisa Etherington (Parent)
182. Ella Cheung (Student)
183. Qashat Rosales (Student)
184. Katie Sauer (Student)
185. Jordan Cappadona (Student)
186. Andy H (Student)
187. Sandi Grim (Parent)
188. Hannah Le (Student)
189. Mistie Mills (Parent)
190. Lucas Nieves (Student)
191. Pooja Tipirneni (Student)
192. Alexandra Hoppe (Parent)
193. Misha Ortega (Student)
194. Regan Smith (Student)
195. Ethan T. (Student)
196. Cheryl Snell (Staff)
197. Maya Avendano (Student)
198. Matt Klepfer (Alumni)
199. Scott Nelson (Alumni)
200. Monica Kim (Community)
201. Edan (parent)
202. Heather S. (Community Member)
203. Pamela Dougherty (Staff)
204. Morgan White (Faculty)
205. Michelle Cromeenes  (Parent)
206 Jonathan Cannon (Staff)
207. James Liow (Parent)
208. Justin Cooley (Lecturer)
209. Michelle Call (Community member)
210. Taylor Law (Staff)
211. isa Cheyno (Parent)
212. Yense Sanchez (Student)
213. Emily Zehm (Student)
214. Geoffrey Fricker (Faculty)
215. Heidi Bell (Community Member)
216. Laura Wilks  (Parent)
217. Erin Doherty (Alumni)
218. Erin Martin Elston (Faculty)
219. Jennifer K Bates (Faculty)
220. Gina Corea (Community member)
222. Karl Bell (Alumnus)
223. Deanna Federico (Parent)
224. Emerson Goo (Student)
225. Paul Qiu (Parent)
226. Sylvia Contreras (Community member)
227. Lauren Wagner (Student)
228. Paul S. Miklowitz (Faculty)
229. Drew Dost (Student)
230. Eric lay (Student)
231. Kyle Scott (Student and Employee)
232. Linda Lau (Parent)
233. Shayna G. (Student)
234. Isabella Walker (Student)
235. Casey Winans (Community Member and Alumni)
236. Ellen Fan (Parent)
237. Jaenine Santos (Student)
238. Hannah Bow (Student)
239. Alicia Moretti (Faculty)
240. Thanayi Jackson (Faculty)
241. Tina Polito (Staff)
242. Dylan Le (Student)
243. Eric LeRoy (Community Member)
244. Eddie Reyes (Student)
245. Jane Lehr (Faculty)
246. Courtney Malmberg (Student)
247. Lynne W (Community Member)
248. Ashley Keeney (Alumni)
249. Madison Witters Green (Student)
250. Sarah Bridger (Faculty)
251. Cole Ford (Student)
252. Stephanie Liu (Student)
253. Madi Stepherson (Alumni)
254. Jose Palazuelos (Student)
255. Sydnie Rivas (Student)
256. Jessica Metzinger (Alumni)
257. Sharon Foster (Community Member)
258. Aditi Lappathi (Student)
259. Adrienne Greve (Faculty)
260. Steve Hamrell (Community Member)
261. Miranda Beaudoin (Alumni)
262. Mihir Somayaji (Student)
263. Ariann Landaverde (Student)
264. Megan Motta (Student and Staff)
265. Sam Aseoff (Student)
266. Belinda Randolph (Community Member - slight modification, Faculty be allowed to choose the modality of their courses for the month of January 2022.)
267. Michelle Jenkins (Student)
268. Jimi Feldman (Alumni)
269. Bailey Renner (Community Member)
270. Catherine Ratliff (Student)
271. Daniel Maldonado (Staff)
271. Hue Ung (Student)
272. Lewis Call  (Professor of History — President, CFA SLO)
273. Owen Lemm (Student)
274. Ryan Jameson (Student)
275. Michelle Maldonado (Student)
276. Amy Marquez Lopez (Student)
277. Sarah J Milad (student)
278. Cassandra Garcia  (Student)
279. Richard Ortiz (student)
280. Amber Ngan  (Student )
281.  Aaron Coby (Community member)
282. Jane (Student)
283. Ines (Student)
284. David Mitchell (Faculty)
285. Daniela Molina (Student)
286. Zoe Boyd (Student)
287. Matthew On (Student)
288. Amber Long (Alumni)
289. Diego Castro (Student)
290. Skylar Schlicht (Student)
291. Molly Lee  (Student)
292. Sharon Pagidipati (Student)
293. Cesar Hernandez (Student )
294. Heather Miller (Community Member)
295. Nick Galardi (Student)
296. Barbara Rodriguez (Student)
297. Amy Howes (Student)
298. Tori Mclaughlin (student)
299. Heidi Schutz (Former faculty)
300. Assata (Student)
301. Benjamin Sanchez (Student)
302. Fisher Lyon (Student)
303. Mairi O’Toole (Student)
304. Sarah Rauh (student)
305. Samantha Merigold (Student)
306. Grady Moosman (Student)
307. Lisa K Mazor (Parent)
308. Robert McCarroll  (Alumni and current staff parent)
309. David G Brown (Parent)
310. Malia Loo  (Student)
311. Komalpreet Assi (Student)
312. Isaac Hernandez (Student)
313. Victor M. Valle (Emeritus Professor)
314. Jordan Bouskos (Student)
315. Alexis Van Pelt (Student)
316. Melissa Alvarado (Student)
317. Po Ho (Parent)
318. John Semancik (Student)
319. Keli Moore (Faculty)
320. Charlotte Matthews (Student)
321. Cherry Tsang (Student)
322. Gracie Babatola (Student)
323. Shannon Robinson (Student)
324. Tanya Ravichandran (Student)
325. Evelyn Mcspirit (Student)
326. Daniel Pfau (Alumni)
327. Sophie Martyrossian  (Student)
328. Todd Pierce (Faculty)
329. Jacob Wielenga (Student)
330. Chloe Abinanti (Student)
331. Angelina Tang (Student)
332. Ashlianne Sharma (student)
333. Anmol Gill (Student)
334. Edward Corriea (Student)
335. Nicolette McIntosh (Student)
336. Karen Ma  (Student)
337. Russell Swanagon (Faculty)
338. Brianna Hanson (Student)
339. Elizaveta Koush (Student)
340. Jack Pendleton (Student)
341. Liv Collom (Student)
341. Renee Hernandez (Student)
342. Max Clark (Student)
341. Joel Levin  (parent)
342. Samantha Martin (Student)
343. Noah Kwong (Student)
344. Darren Crawford (Community Member)
345. Po Johnson (Student)
346. Saisri Rayapati (Student)
347. Gita Kolluru (Faculty (Biological Sciences))
348. Ellie Angold (Student)
349. Jenny Ahn (Student)
350. Angela Kim (student)
351 nancy tran student
352 Reina Knowles Student, Staff
353 Susana Gomez Student
354 Marbella Robles Student
355 Colton Crosby Student
356 Grace Neirby Student
357 Isabel Pascua (Student)
358 Hannah Meck Student
359 Walker Lynch Student
360 Emma M Student
361 Jake Student
362 Linh Tran Staff
363 Avery Brunsman student
364 Rain Mazumder Student
365 Christopher Strayer Student
366 Sam Bock Student
367 Lorie Tuey Parent
368 Araceli Ramos Student
369 Hannah Dice Student
370 Demetrios Ramirez Student
371 Isabella Carrera Student
372 Marian liu Student
373 Angeline Witt Student
374 Syd Community member
375 Maya Villegas Student
376 Francisco AlfaroZierten Student
377 Taylor Tran Student
378 Siena Wagner Student
379 Charlotte MacMillan Student
380 Helen Lee Student
381 Fatima Community Member
382 Madison Zordilla Student
383 Margaux Elliott Student
384 Abri Stephens Student
385 Jenny D. Student
386 Laura C Community member
387 Sophie Short student
388 Judy Phan Student
389 Diane Vu Community Member
390 Allan Gomez Student
391 Laura Lovell (Parent of student)
392 Geneva Lindsley Student
393 dat vuong parent
394 Grace Schweitzer Student
395 Sage Mayer Student
396 Jordan Bates Student
397 elise reeber student
398 Harrison Chapman Student
399 Adriana Rodriguez Student
400 meghan elliott community member
401 Laurel Leeds Student
402 Manjot Dhanda Student
403 Lynn Kataoka Student
404 Lourdes Asuncion Student
405 Leslie Cortes Student
406 Al Gillani Student
407 Madeline Weber Student
408 Skyler Wesendunk Student
416 Jennifer Maxin Alumni
417 Laura Wright Parent
418 Christina Rakhamimov Student
419 Max Blau Alumni
420 Jordan Peterkofsky Student
421 Joshua Maxin Student
422 Gracie Couper Student
423 Isabella Ionazzi Student
424 Edward Student
425 Annabelle Fagans Student
426 Phinney Reckard Student
427 Daniel Wu Student
428 Eva Valinsky Student
429 sarah plate student
430 Saif Younis Student
431 Beatriz Tovar Alumni
432 Maya Amyx Student
433 Prisha Agarwal Student
434 Kira Boyd Alumni
435 Shira Blatt Student
436 Luis Torres Student
437 Chervin Sansano student
438 Vishnupriya Inampudi Student
439 Jake Student
440 Etta McCabe Student
441 Nishi Rajakaruna Professor and Faculty-in-Residence
442 Haley Azevedo Student
443 Jordan Zavala Student
444 Scout Whitaker Student
445 Claire Billings Student
446 Megan Campbell Alumni
447 Lizzie Heen Student
448 Dorine Razeghi student
449 Crystal Quan Student
450 Heather Hodgetts Parent
451 Natalie Victorine (Student)
452 Julia Doyle-Uebel Student
453 Madison Lytle Student
454 Kaila Aquino student
455 Jackie Tang Student
456 Pranati Sadhu Student
457 Jaclyn Brodersen (Student)
458 Emma Fryer Student
459 Rylee Edwards Student
460 Harkaran Mann Student
461 Raghav Bhasin Student
462 Safwan Muntasir Student
463 Fernanda Vega Student
464 Jacob Aldaco Student
465 Lani Nguyen Student
466 Justin Yuen Student
467 Natalie Venable student
468 Manvika Satish Student
469 Julia Student
470 Taylor Keenan (student)
471 Samuel Smith Student
472 Shannin Singh Student
473 Katharine Smith Student
474 Anya Poplavska Student
475 Daniel Ionazzi Community Member
476 Mark Boter Student
477 Sankalpa Gautam Student
478 brianna thompson student
479 Joie Rahn (Student)
480 Jordan Mickel Student
481 siya lalwani student
482 Julia Morales Student
483 Aimee Nevárez Student
484 Keilana Calder Student
485 Megan Whitaker Parent
486 Cesar Aldama Student
487 Tori Palm (Student)
488 Jared Zimbelman Student
489 Lauren Friedman Student
490 Kristy Vaca Student
491 Olivia Rourke Student
492 Blake Strong Community member
493 Maggie Willis Student
494 Ryann Swift (Student)
495 Katrina Mae Cruz Student
496 Henry L Student
497 Aidan D. Student
498 Courtney Wohlgemuth student
499 Nathan Tran Student
500 Sofia Bryukhova Student
501 Olivia Hanley Student
502 Kaylie Leung Student
503 Melodie (Student)
504 Max Bosse Student
505 Alyjah Perez Student
506 Roxas Faculty
507 Emily Bodoh Student
508 Kay Choe Student, Resident Advisor
509 Navid (Parent of Student )
510 Julia Jones Student
511 Montserrat Martinez Cal state
512 Rochelle Cloven Student
513 Dominique Giang Student
514 Jaxon Silva Student
515 Erin Chen Student
516 Andrea Vega Student
517 Alice Chung Student
518 Maya Kundu Student
519 Sarah Hess Student
520 Camryn Ryan Student
521 Salvador Ruiz Student
522 Beverly Biscocho Student
523 Lauren Getty Student
524 Mia Betker Student
525 Anais Ng Student
526 Emily Taketa Student
527 Trevor McGall Student
528 Baylee East Student
529 sarah dinetz student
530 Kacie Fetzer Student
531 Luis ivan rosas Student
532 Vy Ton Student
533 Mabel Xu Student
534 Loren CT Student
535 Rebecca Rollins Student
536 Tyler Brady Student
537 Jacqueline Colby Student
538 Megan Kim student
539 Ashley Kang Student
540 Rebecca Van Zant Student
541 Camille Porciuncula Student
542 Kendall Steeves Student
543 Alexis Mojica Student
544 Jilliane Landos Student
545 Dalia Muqaddam Student
546 Sofia R Student
547 Rachana Jonnalagadda Student
548 Sophia Hugh Student
549 Arianne Landers Student
550 James Bert Student
551 Amelia Afrin Student
552 Jeremy  Tai (student)
553 Lauren Krauter Student
554 Matthew Chowaniec Student
555 Colin Chun Student
556 Caitlin Hallisy Cal Poly
557 Haley Wasielewski student
558 Juliette Garcia Student
559 Kendall Gentzen Student
560 Bob Dinetz Parent, alumnus
561 Kashvi Pandya Student
562 Jim Cromeenes Parent
563 Samy Elangovan Faculty
564 Katelin Betker Family of student
565 Lily Brehmer Student
566 Keegan Huth Student, Staff
567 Cortez Barriente Faculty
568 Ava W. Student
569 Thomas Hong Parent
570 Leslie Gomez (Student)
571 Tera Galanti Faculty
572 Bradley M Student
573 Zoe Hong student
574 Emily Shi Student
575 Isabelle Dyer Student
576 Jack Nunn Student
577 Melanie Huang Student
578 Lisa etherington Parent
579 Pele student
580 Tina Javid Student
581 Morgan Pope Student
582 Bonna Herlocher Student
583 Angelina Peralta Student
584 Izzy Student
585 Katie Tam Student
586 Sophia Chin Student
587 Jennifer Nguyen Community Member
588 Puneet Kaur Sangha Student
589 Mia Kristensen Student
590 Kira Sugihara Student
591 Mallory Browne Student
592 Laura Elliott Student
593 Brianne Dimalanta Alumni
594 Nan Relan Student
595 Elaine Guarneri-Nunn Community Member
596 Ryan Hatch Faculty, English
597 Krystal Cardenas Student
598 Ollie Lamkin Student
599 Maya Peterson Student
600 Avery Smigel Student
601 Shiara Naicker community member
602 Camille Student
603 Rosa Elena López Alumni
604 Rylie Lawrence Student
605 Yazmeen Norwood student
606 Jacquelyn Bostock Student
607 Michelle Lee Community Member
608 Ashley Tokarzewski Student
609 Hannah Choi Alumni
610 Lyla Thiele Student
611 Daniel Kim Student
612 Sydney Skow Student
613 Sophia Chung Student
614 Nick Aspiras Student
615 Kim-Linh Vu Student
616 Antonio Peralta Parent of student
617 Lindsay Gonor Student
618 Ray Shurtleff Student
619 Karla Espinoza (Student)
620 Justin Marhoefer Student
621 Amanda Wahl Student
622 Lauren McGrath Student
623 Brianna Rasmussen Student
624 Bella Bram student
625 Ray Lui Student
626 Vi-Linh Vu Student
627 Ayva Ball Student
628 Sarah Birkel (Student)
629 Zia Steffen Student
630 Ashley Ho Student
631 Zane M. Student
632 Mary Wu Parent
633 Kayla Harmon Student
634 Lilliana Ruiz Student
635 Andrea Chalfant Student
636 Zoya Meydbray Student
637 Kaylen Schwartz Student
638 Samantha Hanks Samantha Hanks
639 Kate Coderre Student
640 Andrew Dias Jayasinha Parent of Andres Rocha Jayasinha (freshman)
641 Bora Joo Student
642 Jeffrey craigly Student
643 Elizabeth Student, Student Manager
644 Gabriel Kucinski Student
645 Stacy Hanks Parent
646 Isabella M Student
647 Salvador Uribe student
648 Byron Calderon Student
649 Madison Chauvin Student
650 Gabriel Kucinski Student
651 Matt Hanks Parent
652 Elizabeth Meehan Student
653 Kira Noe Student
654 Isabel Smirh (Student)
655 Adrian Nunn Community member, parent
656 Rachel Friedman Student
657 Valeria Student
658 Nicholas Chambless Community Member
659 Julianne Santos Student
660 odalis hernandez student
661 Connie McCarroll Alumni and Cal Poly parent
662 Sacchi Underwood Student
663 Rae Taira Student
664 Hana Abdul Cader Student
665 Jennifer Tran Student
666 Daisy Rojas Student
667 Maggie Li Student
668 Allison D Student
669 Lauren Yoon Student
670 Yuka Student
671 Sofia Jones Student
672 Chase Earhart Alumni
673 Hannah Drechsel Student
674 Adam Grasso Student
675 Michael Reyna Student
676 Amelia Schimmel Student
677 Mia Hodges Student
678 Ava Arabian Student
679 Kevin Castaneda Student
680 Kendall Perr Student
681 Nicole Herhusky Student
682 Andrew Sime Student
683 Bita Arabian Parent
684 Anna Grexton Student
685 Zie Dado Student
686 Katie E. Student
687 Max Kwan student
688 Jennifer Barba  (Student)
689 Mayumi Paraiso (Student)
690 Alison Chan Student
691 Emma Garrison Student
692 Sachi Ottoes Student
693 Mackenzie H student
694 Lizzy Huynh Student
695 Mackenzie B. student
696 Tiffany Zhu Student
697 Emily Vuong Student
698 Clara Patterson Student
699 Michael Friend Student
700 Anne G Faculty
701 Niko Workman Student
702 Sasha Stetler student
703 Catherine Trujillo Staff
704 Ginger Fitzpatrick Student
705 Iridian Vaca Alumni
706 Kiley Schneider student
707 Donya Behroozi Student
708 Justin L Student
709 Henry Miller Student
710 Caden Schreuder Student
711 K. Douglas Parent
712 Matthew Weaver Alumni
713 Ally Lai Student
714 Alexa Mikus Student
715 Alanna Green Student, Staff
716 Samantha Allen Student
717 Brianna garcia
718 Brooklyn Bo Student
719 Victoria Acosta Vasquez Student
720 Noemi Ho Student
721 Raquel Krampert Student
722 Eric Roberts Student
723 Sofia S. Student
724 Tallulah Boutell student
725 Grace anton Student
726 Jinkun Dong student
727 Alex P. Student
728 Samantha Ramos Student
729 Kassandra Lumbres Student
730 Valeria Romo Student
731 Janine bostock Parent
732 Dia Dhariwal Student
733 Seth Gist Student
734 Andrea "Drea" Diaz Student
735 Kai Winstead Leroy Community Member/ Staff Dependent
736 Danika Cornejo Student
737 Malia Johnson Student
738 Abby Evans Student
739 Timothy Mai Student
740 Erynn Padhal Student
741 Summer Windisch Student
742 Isabella Student
743 Rebecca Row Student
744 Ivanna Garcia Student
745 Anela Gomez Student
746 Mary Keegan Student
747 Daria Shigin Student
748 Emma Novak Student
749 Noah Solem Student
750 Cathryn Obermeier student
751 Amanda Keegan Parent
752 Emily Flores Student
753 Brandon Samson Community Member
754 Isha lamba student
755 Hannah Gechter Student
756 Gary Gomez Parent
757 Carson Knight Student
758 Kelsey Byrne Student
759 Tina Matters Parent
760 Raian Patrique Pedregosa Student
761 Xylon Ford Student
762 Sadie Beaumont student and student assistant
763 Max Alexander Student
764 M.W. Kaplan Student
765 Libby A. Student
766 Reese Lashinski student
767 Advaitha Bhavanasi Student (business)
768 Kylie Fairman Student
769 Flint Merrill-Gehrke Student
770 Megan Vazquez Student
771 Tristan French Alumni
772 Briana Gallo Student
773 Bella Doolin Student
774 Hillary Erlich Parent
775 Emmy Nguyen Student
776 Bethany Zeya Bucalan-Longid Student
777 Emory Melzer student
778 Soraya Reyes Student
779 Joelle Andrews Student
780 Alicia Johnston Student
781 Caden ONeil Student
782 John Patrick Faculty
783 Jose Aguilar Student
784 Gabriella knudson Student
785 Biviana Medin Student
786 Arushie Community member
787 Sucheen Sundaram Student
788 Michela Seronello Student
789 Carter Crean Student
790 Arushie Community member
791 Star Taira Parent
792 Sunny Kaplan Cal Poly Parent
793 Leece Oliver Alumni
794 Jane Dormady Student
795 KathleenDinetz Alumni & parent of student
796 Haley Tran student
797 Isabelle Smits Student
798 Melvin Tabios Student
799 Melissa Melton Student
800 Katie DeFant Student
801 Vincent Pheng Student
802 Samantha Morreale Student
803 Finn Butler Student
804 Sean Phun Student
805 Chanel Student
806 Weston Gonor Student
807 Amy An Student
808 Liv Collom Student
809 Emma Kishimoto Student
810 James Sullivan Faculty
811 Simarjot Gandhoke Student
812 Caitlyn Perillo Student
813 Isa Glassen Student
814 Emma Sheffo Student
815 Bob Arabian Parent
816 Isabel Hadley Student
817 Zara Iqbal Student
818 Renee Camomot Alumnus
819 Deeba Khosravi student
820 Jenna Vokolek Student
821 Mia Quaglierini Student
822 Hannah Hagy Student
823 Will Root Student
824 Maximillian Chi Student
825 Hannah Martin Student
826 Anna Madruga Student
827 Sadie Curdts Student
828 Aubrie Adams Faculty
829 Tevan Kim Student
830 Sharon Shin Student
831 Ann Heen Parent
832 Gretchen Patterson CalPoly Parent
833 Taylor Fair Student
834 Aidan Student
835 Will Ton Student
836 Shane Calabro Parent and Alumni
837 Naina Asaravala Alumni
838 Todd Porter Faculty
839 Zhixiang He Student
840 joanna perlas student
841 Hayley Armstrong Student
842 Jackie Deng Student
843 Krista Kauffmann Faculty
844 William Miller Student
845 Brad Campbell Faculty
846 Lexie Student
847 Louise Bystrom Student
848 Amber Sky Tetz Student
849 Shanae Aurora Martinez English Faculty
850 Amber Lin Alumni
851 Jose Ivanez STUDENT
852 Dylan Crawford Student
853 Kerry Fung Student
854 Danielle Rhind Student
855 Angel Powell Student
856 Sierra Greninger Student
857 Yvonne Rothermel Parent
858 Erika DeAnda student
859 Esperanza Guinevere Castillo Student
860 Susan Waibel Family of student
861 Elizabeth Sine Faculty
862 Adrian Hernandez Student
863 Xarina Lansang Student
864 Sharmaine Parani Student
865 Zoe Jackson Student
866 Anson W Student
867 Jordan Lee (student)
868 Leah Tetz Community Member
869 Karen La student
870 Stella Raymond Student
871 kamryn young student
872 Aldo Saldana Student
873 Rayan Malik Student
874 Audrey Davila Sargent Student
875 Gloria Rocha Parent
876 Jonathan Flores Student
877 Areli Enriquez Student
878 Austin Grassbaugh Student
879 Camryn Garcia Student
880 Sasha Matienzo student
881 Carolina Sanchez Herrera Student
882 Julia Rios Student
883 Katie St. Laurent Student
884 Alyssa Becnel Community Member
885 Camille Boiteux Student
886 Em Kapphahn Community Member
887 Zahra Rothschild Student
888 Grace Coady student
889 Jazzie Herrera Student
890 James Coggon Community Member
891 Timothy Lee Student
892 Kayla Tran Student
893 Neila Patino Student
894 Julia Ye Student
895 Derrick Huang Student
896 Jaylen Calabro (Student)
897 Lydia Park Parent
898 Matt Dumag Student
899 Gordon Wong Community Member
900 Samantha Cada student
901 Tina Vo Student
902 Ava motroni Student
903 Nick Haugen Student
904 Nora Pizzella Student
905 Isabella Hoffmann Student
906 Bernette Chan Student
907 Joshua Vargas Student
908 katelyn ngo student
909 Liam Jefferson Student
910 Yuka Iwashita Student
911 Sophia Sena Student
912 Riley Lane Student
913 Parker McKenzie Student
914 Stephanie Snyder Student
915 Kyle Van Alumni
916 M. Reed Alumni
917 Jo L Sotheran, PhD Faculty Support
918 Susana Toner Student
919 Delaney Li-Ming Faherty Student
920 Ethan Nelson Student
921 Kaelani Artuz Student
922 Julissa Preciado student
923 Hannah Agustin Student
924 Daniela Parra Student
925 Makena Swithin Community Member
926 Sara Kaplan Student
927 Caroline Dailey Student
928 Alexander Poroy Student
929 Nils Berzins Student
930 Tania Student
931 Jake Abad Student
932 Myles Harp Student
933 kira escovar student
934 Moraya Wallace Student
935 Tina Swithin Community member
936 Paige Teraji Student
937 Ananya Yerneni Student
938 Annika Norquist Journalism Student
939 Lauren Batchelor Student
940 Kirsten Lockart-Hayt Student
941 Gigi Bjork-Nelson Student
942 Stacy Wu Student
943 Diana aguilar Parent
944 Brown Person Student
945 Michael foster Community member
946 Rocco Costanzo Student
947 Quinton Wong Student
948 Mia Berg Student
949 Kath Dureault Parent
950 Sara Hata student
951 Giselle Barajas Student
952 Jacob Sarmiento Student
953 Hannah Weinstein student
954 Holly Jace Velasquez Student
955 Heather Liwanag Faculty, Biological Sciences
956 Madeline Shain Student
957 Bryce Laney Student
958 Maxwell Ferrer Student
959 Kushanthi Nugapitiya Concerned  Parent!
960 Hannah Krieg Student
961 Alice Cao Student
962 Michael Yiu Student
963 Rachel Izenson Student
964 Mia Student
965 Ruby Lowe Student
966 Rosemary Donnell Alumni, emeritus staff, Grandparent of student
967 Pablo A. Student
968 Kyle Taschek student
969 Yoon Jeong Student
970 Shashank Acharya Student
971 Katrina Potts Student
972 acacia truong student
973 Adriana Villicana Student
974 Hope Putnam student
975 Tiffany K Student
976 Josephine Gordon Student
977 Lucas Carlson Supporter
978 Max Harrington Community Member
979 Nikki Chin Student
980 Natalie Kovacs Student
981 Siena Parsons Student
982 E. N. Student
983 Kalel Gadduang Student
984 Anubhav Dawadi Student
985 Elvin Luong Student
986 Jacqueline Le Student
987 Michelle Jenkins Parent
988 Ashlyn Beale Student
989 Valeria De Choudens Student
990 Elva Guemes Student
991 Roann-Mae L. Student
992 Julia olivas Student
993 Mike Kabot Student
994 Stephen Alvarado Student
995 Mark peterson
996 Chloe Partain Student
997 Lena Kauert Student
998 Madelyn Fukui Student
999 Shae Risch Student
1000 Gaby Constantino Student
1001 chanél ozkan student
1002 Cobe Lehman Community member
1003 MJ Monahan Parent
1004 Max Choate Student
1005 Ash Bruning Student
1006 Rachel student
1007 Jennifer Risch Mother of Student
1008 Sabra Dewey Student
1009 Margarita Diaz Student
1010 Karolyn Topacio Student
1011 Brittany Phan Community Member
1012 Kelly Mok Student
1013 Vanessa B. Student
1014 Brianna Jernberg Student
1015 Sarah Florez Student
1016 Carrie Langner Faculty
1017 Liam Jefferson Student
1018 Sonia Andrade Student
1019 Tommy Zamecnik Student
1020 Lindsey Chan Student
1021 Madysen Blackwell student
1022 Ethan D. Student
1023 Leslie Holden Community member
1024 Aurora Zhang student
1025 Nathan Tinkess Student
1026 Jacqueline Yeung Student
1027 Wyatt filler Student
1028 Samantha Gonzales Student
1029 Connor Hurban Student
1030 Yvonne Lin Student
1031 Hadas Tankel Student
1032 Angellia Seguin Student
1033 Graciana Ratto Student
1034 Audrey Tran Student
1035 Drew Steckline Student
1036 Sarah Daks Student
1037 Collin Prell Student
1038 Natalie Santos Student
1039 Lexi Student
1040 Romy Dahi Student
1041 Fabian Samano Student
1042 Tara Quinn Student
1043 David Marinez Student
1044 Izze Pierce student
1045 Natalia Arriaga Student
1046 MJ Strauch Parent
1047 Kayla Quan Student
1048 Arlein Logrono Student
1049 Sarah Smith Student
1050 Natalie Stevens (Student)
1051 Elizabeth Holmes (Student)
1052 Dana Izenson Parent
1053 Priscilla Lam student
1054 Gabriela Arevalos Student
1055 Jonathan Chung Community Member
1056 Kent Augenstein Student
1057 Stephanie Lopez Student
1058 Laney Hall Student
1059 Logan Bishopric Student
1060 Glenn Anciado Student
1061 Sophia Yurchenko Student
1062 Jade Stankowski Student
1063 Adrienne Marcin student
1064 Hailey Choi Student
1065 Diego Lockyer Student
1066 Caprial Koe Alumni
1067 Clara Luisetti Student
1068 Aiyana Arnobit Student
1069 Karisma Rodriguez Student
1070 Amber Hicks Student
1071 Loise Rosales Student
1072 Sara Calderon Student
1073 Marissa Arriaga Community Member
1074 Nathalie Zamora Student
1075 Brianna Navarro Student
1076 Lu Sylvester Student, Student Assistant at ITS
1077 Mari Takata Student
1078 Rabeeya Asif Student
1079 Naomi Norman Student
1080 Bee DeNicholas Student
1081 Bobbi Little Concerned Parent
1082 James Chrasta Student
1083 Dexter Kline student
1084 Noa Kehle Student
1085 Kate Anselm student
1086 Astrid Yu Student
1087 Olivia Huyler Student
1088 Ethan Apalis Student
1089 Zachary Evangelista Student
1090 Bobbi Little Concerned Parent
1091 Phoebe Student
1092 Phoebe Liu Student
1093 Paul Camacho Parent
1094 Colton Nagashima Student
1095 Trent Norman Student
1096 Kaden Monson Student
1097 Lucas Erickson Student
1098 Emma Symon Student
1099 Leannah Hill Student
1100 Karen Muñoz-Christian Faculty
1101 Chantal Serrano Student
1102 Lyndee Sing Faculty
1103 Taylor Lyon Student
1104 Jayson Salvador (Student)
1105 mac moran Landscape Architecture Student
1106 Judy Phan Student
1107 Emily Kassorla Student
1108 Russell Kwong Community member
1109 Shane Strunk Student
1110 Clarisbet De Jesus Student
1111 Nicole Freitas Student
1112 Iris Hung Parent
1113 Zayn Compton Student
1114 Marc Gray Community Member
1115 Sierra Jordan Student
1116 Gillian Steffey (Student)
1117 Keona Fernandes Student
1118 Mila B. Community Member
1119 Cheryl Boyett-Kassorla Parent of student
1120 Sydney Watt (Student)
1121 Alejandra Beresford Student
1122 Jessica McBrideSteffey Alumni/Parent
1123 Alli S. Student
1124 Andie Tetzlaff Student
1125 Alina Jacinth Student
1126 Lauryn Kim Student
1127 Mia Walters Student
1128 Kayla Richardson Student
1129 Durga Badrinarayanan Student
1130 Nathan Tu Alumni
1131 Stephanie Malfatti Parent
1132 Fletch Parsons Parent
1133 Rhia Alger Alumni
1134 Sophie Swan Alumni
1135 Vianna Yang Student
1136 John Wallace Community Member
1137 Eden Eliahou Student
1138 Amber Student
1139 Kaylyn Tran Student
1140 cora becker student
1141 Josh Codrescu Student
1142 Phillip Senigram Community member
1143 Madison Coakley Alumni
1144 Sam Bregman Student
1145 Ava Sanderson Student
1146 Nick Tullio Student
1147 Tauni dela Cruz Student
1148 Josephine Doan Student
1149 Audrey Siu (Student)
1150 Santana DeLaRosa Student
1151 Shawna Hall Parent
1152 Jack Brown Student
1153 Harlan Warthen Student
1154 Saddha Zaw Student
1155 Amaya Ibuna Student
1156 Regina Hockert Student
1157 Luke Powers Student
1158 Albert M Hall Parent
1159 Tayler dela Cruz (Sibling of Student)
1160 Sydney Fairchild Student
1161 Isabelle Cobb Student
1162 Jennifer Campbell Parent
1163 Rachel Rothstein Student
1164 Kori Dalton Student
1165 Ava Lin student
1166 Adriana Revelez Student
1167 Marinel Liesl Jorgensen Student
1168 Anais Gomez (Student)
1169 Charlotte Chung student
1170 Jazmine Community member
1171 Owen Moosman Community Member
1172 Emily Tran Student
1173 Alexandra Student
1174 Avanti Gummaraju Student
1175 Rachel Toombs Student
1176 Nancy Nguyen Student
1177 Isabella Zadoyan (Student)
1178 Cindy Do Student
1179 Crystal Grambow student
1180 Katie Deras Student
1181 Catherine M Student
1182 Annamarie Wagner Student
1183 Sarah Brehmer Parent of student
1184 Tylor westlund Student
1185 James Jensen Student
1186 Emma Lopez Student
1187 Emma Lopez Student
1188 Abby Maciel-Lahann Student
1189 Darby Godman Student
1190 Johnny Lopez Student
1191 John Brehmer Parent of current student
1192 Anita Parsons Parent
1193 Emily Hupe Student
1194 Kathryn Taylor Student
1195 Clover Hamilton Student
1196 Margarita Ronquillo Student
1197 Joanna Vo Student
1198 Valeria Iniguez Student
1199 Isabella Padavana Student
1200 Cynthia Diaz Student
1201 Pamela Parent
1202 Peter Walther Student
1203 Isabel Barbee Student
1204 Tina Abbaszadeh Parent
1205 Samantha Almoney Student
1206 Danielle Long Student
1207 Lakin Jacino Community member
1208 Anna Caragio Student
1209 Evelyn Gutierrez Student
1210 Brandon Messerly Alumni, community member
1211 Chris Raynes Student
1212 Stephany Alcaraz Student
1213 Sabrina Cueva Student
1214 Lauren Liu Student
1215 Savannah Kenneficj student
1216 Riley Walters Community Member
1217 Alex Sletta Student
1218 Cassandra Monterrosa Student
1219 Aubrie Family member of student attending Cal Poly
1220 Elisabeth Jacobson Community Member
1221 Melanie Piper Community Member
1222 Roselinda DeLaRosa Parent
1223 Adrienne Wong Parent of Student
1224 Jason Chu Student
1225 Jasmine Ng Student
1226 Raymond Wu Student
1227 Kate Christman Student
1228 Sandra Powell Parent
1229 Athena Gasmido Friend of Current Student
1230 Nely Santiago Student
1231 Lauren Cosgrove Student
1232 Kambria Dick Student
1233 Camden Cavill Student
1234 Jake Saro (Student)
1235 Ryan Hu Student
1236 Jun Kim Student
1237 cindy student
1238 Audrey Pae Student
1239 lindsey wong student
1240 Yrenia Leyson Student
1241 Raymond Yang Student
1242 Jiashee Thao Student
1243 Kat Schroeder Mora Alumni
1244 Leah Rosenbaum Community Member
1245 Derek Le Student
1246 Emanuel Miranda Student
1247 Chris Costello Student
1248 Juan DeLaRosa Parent
1249 Karah Bengs Alumni
1250 Morgan Halsey Student
1251 Ben Grosscup Student
1252 Megan Miyake Alumna
1253 Nathan Wagner Student
1254 Lindsey McMahon Student
1255 Kaleigh C Student
1256 Stephanie C. Student
1257 Nathalie Rivera Student
1258 John Skelton Parent
1259 Elena Pegels Student
1260 Carmen Miramontes Student
1261 Marcus Kim Student
1262 Matthew Wong Student
1263 Melania Kuzo Student
1264 Ella Nelson Student
1265 Izzy Ryan Student
1266 Andrew I. Dias Jayasinha Parent .
1267 Kylie Wada Student
1268 Sarah Rietkerk Student
1269 Steve Gima Parent of Student
1270 Ryan Miller Student
1271 Taylor Oh student
1272 Emily Zhu Student
1273 Samantha Baginski Student
1274 Josh Davis Concerned Student
1275 A. Edwards student
1276 Aidan Chandrasekaran Student
1277 Corinne Watson Student
1278 Elnaz Rahbaran Student
1279 Dr. Joanna Laird Faculty
1280 Elizabeth DeRuvo Student
1281 Micah Tan Student
1282 Trevan Klug (Student)
1283 Brayden Prichard Student
1284 Maddie Campbell Student
1285 Zella Roth Student
1286 Liliana Puente Student
1287 Cade calvin Student
1288 Natalie Rubio Student
1289 Iris Michael Community member
1290 Kylie Crow Grad student
1291 Lauren Hinrichs Student
1292 Kelly Koch Staff
1293 Emma Stapp Student
1294 Esther Student
1295 M. Van Horn Faculty
1296 Danna D. Student
1297 Audrey Nguy Student
1298 Allie Holveck Student
1299 Hannah Liu Student
1300 Jodie Huang student
1301 Ella Hasty Student
1302 Abbott Swanson Student
1303 Stephanie Melgoza Student
1304 Kate Slack Student
1305 Julian Boyer Student
1306 Shannon Hurley student
1307 Madi Dodds Student
1308 Lydia C Parent
1309 Noah Alagao Student
1310 Zoe Porter Student
1311 Julia Seaver Student
1312 Tessa Roberson Student
1313 Maria Ramirez Boyd Student
1314 Isaiah Martinez Student
1315 Ellie Vagsether Student
1316 Ariana Cross Student
1317 Neketh Rajagopalan Student
1318 Daisy Barone Student
1319 Abdulsalam Younus Parent
1320 Sheen-Yi Chen Student
1321 Elise Chan Parent
1322 natalie chekmareva student
1323 Megan Snodgrass Student
1324 Jillian Borrevik Student
1325 Emmy Spotswood Student
1326 Jillian Kasman Student
1327 Kelly Wales Student
1328 Janelle Maglione Student
1329 Kimia Abbassi Community Member
1330 Bethany Porta Staff
1331 Charlotte Bell Student
1332 Karim Moussa Student
1333 Sneha Lakshminarayanan Student
1334 Siddhi Student
1335 Gwen Danley Student
1336 Kevin Choi Student
1337 samantha salaz student
1338 Hailey May Student
1339 Abbey Catig Student
1340 Jess Smith Student
1341 Katie Lynch Student
1342 Michelle Lee Student
1343 Shane Williamson Student
1344 Sabrina Westrich Student
1345 Anahita Emami Student
1346 Shefali Mistry Student
1347 Kaelynn Tholl Student
1348 Hailey Hall Student
1349 Wyatt Willard Student
1350 Owen Wilks Student
1351 Winnie Gao Student
1352 Gabrielle Benedetti Student
1353 Cynthia Giovannetti Parent
1354 Jennifer Kantorowski Parent and Community Member
1355 Justine Haarberg Student
1356 Chloe Muller Alumni
1357 Megan Rottenborn Student
1358 Angela Choi student
1359 Erika Student
1360 Matthew Fitzgerald Alumni
1361 Thomas Bramer Student
1362 Ruodolf Rumbaoa Student
1363 Edy Reynolds Student
1364 Christina Lefevre Latner Faculty
1365 Susana A Lopez Faculty
1366 Kaitlin Orr Community Member
1367 Kiana Vaghefi Student
1368 Angus Weir Student
1369 Madi B-W Student
1370 Lauren Taylor Student
1371 Praneeth Somisetty Student
1372 MiMi Khin Parent
1373 soumya bakshi student
1374 Eric Barone Parent
1375 Morgan Fitzgerald Student
1376 Marcus H Concerned Community Member & Hospitality Worker
1377 audrey kramer student
1378 Katelyn C. Student
1379 Zoe Hua Student
1380 Camille Swigert Student
1381 Chris Marston Student
1382 Diane Vu Parent of Student
1383 Alexandra Hategan Student
1384 Vanessa Wei Student
1385 Mac Wilkinson Student
1386 Ben Kessler Student
1387 Natasha Lee Student
1388 Monique Reynoso Student
1389 Jillian Butler Student
1390 Megan Belle Maun Student
1391 Jeziel Lopez Student
1392 Samantha Huang Student
1393 Sara Dada Student
1394 Hailey Honegger Student
1395 Denise Gima Parent
1396 Evan Satre Student
1397 Ella Bracchi Student
1398 Eshley Freed-Doerr Student
1399 Sarah Cole Student
1400 Sheryl Westrich Parent
1401 Miranda Ward Student
1402 Edgar Gonzalez Student
1403 Madeleine Schleinitz student
1404 Kelly Nguyen Student
1405 Tessa Temme Community member
1406 Clare Kawamura Student
1407 Ashley B. Student
1408 Garrett Bush Student
1409 Cheryl Flores Student
1410 Dylan Van student
1411 Matthew Ho Student
1412 Katherine So Student
1413 Emily Valencia Student
1414 Devon Brown Parent of student
1415 Cherokee Trent Student
1416 Victoria Gordon Student
1417 Abigail Lew Student
1418 Chloe Wu Student
1419 Sonia Valencia Parent
1420 Jake MacConnell student
1421 diane cho student
1422 Sophia Velasquez Student
1423 Valerie (Student)
1424 Iman Laique Student
1425 Joseph Solorio Student
1426 Elizabeth I. González Parent
1427 Leah Berg student
1428 Noelle Marroquin student
1429 Vanessa González Student
1430 Izzy Student
1431 Isabella Pineda Student
1432 Chloe Ng Alumni
1433 Joseph Shy Student
1434 Bianca Gao Community Member
1435 Justine Teoh Student
1436 Martha Godinez Student
1437 Taylor Forry Student
1438 Anusha Sampath student
1439 Allen Oh Alumni
1440 Sharon Lee Parent
1441 Angela Mendez Student
1442 Alisha Alam Student
1443 Amy Friedman Alumni
1444 Shannon Wong Student
1445 Elizabeth Matousek community member
1446 Aaron Susantin Student
1447 Dylan Benander Student
1448 Nico Vinuela Student
1449 Rachael Tibbetts Student
1450 Xavier Garcia Student
1451 Leandro Wong Student
1452 Rachel Wang Student
1453 Aanchal Singh Student
1454 Karina Siu Student
1455 Ben Bradley Student
1456 Evan Toji Student
1457 Bradley Atnip Student
1458 Juan Camacho Student
1459 Pari Goetz Community Member
1460 Lizbeth Guzmán Villanueva (Student)
1461 Bodhi Winstead LeRoy Community Member
1462 Maya Aparicio Student
1463 Kinsey Hopkins community member
1464 Sebastian Montero-Quemado Student
1465 Hadara Gordon Student
1466 Miguel Ramos Student
1467 Albert Le Student
1468 Julia Tushla Concerned community
1469 Lauren Schiff Student
1470 Arianna Tipton student
1471 Tamas Parent
1472 Marissa M. Student
1473 Amir Zubaedi Student
1474 Steven Quirarte Student
1475 Megan Kojima Student
1476 Jennifer Brooks Parent
1477 Jaqueline Ramirez Student
1478 Anjana Student
1479 Laurie Ferguson Community Member / Psychologist
1480 Jonathan Sze Student
1481 Adam Birder Student
1482 Alexander Monterrosa Parent
1483 Thu Nguyen Student
1484 Christabel Soria Mendoza Alumni
1485 Lucy Canino Student
1486 Ashley Cho Student
1487 Luke Aitchison Student
1488 Karen Hernandez Student
1489 noah community member
1490 Hunter Terry Student
1491 Julia Galvan Alumni
1492 Matthew Stewart Alumni
1493 Dalia Alhafidh Parent
1494 Eva Parent
1495 Aryan Kumar Student
1496 Silje Wicklund Parent
1497 Kamran Badh Student
1498 Saanvi Dua Student
1499 Claire H Student
1500 Ashlee Schindler Student
1501 Jess Lee Faculty
1502 Madilyn Baker Alumni
1503 Alexa M Student
1504 Athen Gill Student
1505 Sarah Brew Community member
1506 Stacy Hutton Community member
1507 Tamara Nadjsombati Student
1508 Ferando Sánchez Faculty
1509 Lienmir Arradaza Alumni
1510 Suya Ly Parent
1511 Peter Phillips Student
1512 Jessica Parker Student
1513 Keren Coyote Student
1514 Riley Nelson Student
1515 Stephanie Bland Student
1516 Noah Ackerman Student
1517 Ameer Tawfik Student
1518 Angela Banda Student
1519 Ria student
1520 Scott Stirling Student
1521 Gerardo Guzman Community Member
1522 Varun Menon Student - sophomore
1523 Yi-Chih Chen Parent
1524 Hayley Stroobant Student
1525 Arielle Goodman-Rabner Student
1526 Lori Wallace Parent
1527 Jose Gonzalez Jr Family of Student
1528 Dylan Fitzgerald student
1529 Wafiqa Farhana Student
1530 Nancy Adams Parent
1531 Abbie Curtis Student
1532 Tina Li Parent
1533 Brianna Maroney Student
1534 Vyshnavi Student
1535 Toby Peters Bleck Student
1536 Julieta Moreno Student
1537 Aly Arkin Student
1538 Schuyler Payne (Student)
1539 Nina Rothe Student
1540 Gabriella Richardson Student
1541 Hannah Allyson Ramos Student
1542 Christian DeLaRosa Community member
1543 caroline white student
1544 Victoria Gonzalez Community Member
1545 Natalie Alpers Community Member
1546 Anna Chibukhchyan Student
1547 Brandon Schwartz Student
1548 Deborrah Stroobant Parent
1549 Richard Gomes Parent
1550 Alyssa Higdon Student
1551 Morgan Fitzgerald Student
1552 Darci Hafley Staff
1553 Analise Chiu (Student)
1554 Adrian Diaz Student
1555 Cassidy Mellott student
1556 David Phillips and Carla Montez Parents of alumni and current student
1557 Eugene Lee Student
1558 Aerin Mellott Community Member
1559 Emily Shin Student
1560 Corina Klein Student
1561 Thaddeus Lyle Luke Student
1562 Sienna Stromberg Student
1563 Jessica Huang Alumni
1564 Jennifer Eng Student
1565 Nathan Ho Student
1566 Nicole Cheng Student
1567 Honoka Kishino Student
1568 Raphael Pham Student
1569 Janet Silverglate parent
1570 Michael Kauert parent
1571 Queenie W Student
1572 Stan Yoshinobu Faculty
1573 Edith C Student
1574 Lydia Yang Student
1575 Will Chant Student
1576 Cristiana Alumni
1577 Mitchell Kanazawa Student
1578 Lauren Lim Student
1579 Ben Cohen Student
1580 Jenna Wedworth Student
1581 Erica Flint Student
1582 Nolan Jeung Student
1583 Carolina Leal Student
1584 Angela Community Member
1585 James Chen Student
1586 Kristina Chiu Community Member
1587 Andrew Nguyen Student
1588 Jay Sung Student
1589 Jackson Brady Alumni
1590 Erica Chavin Alumni
1591 Selene Shevchenko Student
1592 Stephanie Nemet Student
1593 Kristofer Student
1594 Sean Sahin Parent
1595 Gabby Cosgrove Alumni
1596 Jacob Franz Student
1597 Joseph Baxter Community Member
1598 Fátima Saucedo Student
1599 Katherine Tsikina Student
1600 Aidan Ball Student
1601 Coby Student
1602 Kyla mchugh Student
1603 Dylan Cho Student
1604 Izabella Terry Student, Club Officer, Staff
1605 Olivia Salter Student
1606 Austin Gnecco Student
1607 Sree Gollapudi Student
1608 William Yi Student
1609 Adrienne Liang Student
1610 Jannah Calipusan Student
1611 Anna Makarewicz Student
1612 Caroline Pham Student
1613 Raina Kuhlmann Student
1614 Amar Bains student
1615 O. Leigh Student
1616 Ronniesha Smith Student
1617 Samuel W Student
1618 Grace Ballard Student
1619 Dean Garrido Alumni
1620 Steven Chan Parent
1621 Alison ray Student
1622 David Gudiel Former Student
1623 Harpreet Singh Parent
1624 Colin Moore Student
1625 Gurvinder Singh Parent
1626 Aliya Adegoke Student
1627 King Chaudhury Student
1628 Sean Hershey Student
1629 Sara Arnold Student
1630 Julie Gelman Student
1631 Mallory Roberts Student
1632 Alex Goodman Student
1633 Nikki Littler Student
1634 Catelyn Ellutzi (Student)
1635 Maylin Vergara Student
1636 Janet Velasquez Student
1637 Anni Richard (Student)
1638 Gurvinder Singh Parent
1639 Camille Dixon Student
1640 nazanin sadeghian-dezaki student
1641 Joshua Woodring Student
1642 Sydney Oberg Student
1643 Srinivas Sundararaman Student
1644 George Jimenez Student
1645 Micah Bautista Community Member
1646 Ananya Bishnoi Student
1647 G Denson Student
1648 Ivan Li Student
1649 D Johnson Staff
1650 B Pivirotto Spouse of Staff
1651 Sedona Elliott Student
1652 TJ Samojedny student
1653 Bryce Melander Student
1654 Misty Steffen, FNP Parent
1655 David Harris Student
1656 Chloe Fiske (Student)
1657 Ivy Tan Student
1658 Ryan Chan Student
1659 Erin L Student
1660 Demetrius Ly Student
1661 Andrew Sugamele Student
1662 Grace Pagliuso (Student)
1663 Alex Ayuso Student
1664 Ryan Khieu Student
1665 Tim Mullins Student
1666 Kymaree Tan Student
1667 Makena keane Student
1668 Anla Bolkan Student
1669 Vivien Sorosy Student
1670 Emi Nishida Student
1671 Yunji Lee Student
1672 Ulaya Student Associate
1673 Ria Gulati Student
1674 Ashley Adams (Grad student, biological sciences)
1675 Sofia Rose Alumni
1676 Matthieu Gol Student
1677 Kira Peterson Student
1678 James Long Parent
1679 Ella Jorgensen Student
1680 Maria Gonzalez student
1681 Kara Hitchcock Staff
1682 Lyndsie Alumni
1683 Mikayla Santiago Student
1684 Fermín González Parent
1685 Shefali Venkatramani Alumni
1686 Farah Al-Nakib Faculty
1687 Leah Hom student
1688 Grace Lee Community Member
1689 Kay Herlihy Student
1690 Anoushka Student
1691 Natalia Lopez Community Member
1692 Brett Slowinski Student
1693 Euree Hong Student
1694 Steady Tran Student
1695 Brenda Lopez Staff
1696 Therese Young Student
1697 Gemma Sallas Student
1698 Sydney Kringel Student
1699 Elisabeth Stodola Student
1700 Kyle Marshall Student
1701 Andrew Montijo student
1702 Allison Parent
1703 Gian Malan Student
1704 Kelly Tang Student
1705 Chloe Pond Student
1706 Angel Han Parent
1707 Gillian Iliana Diaz Student
1708 Matthew Adams Student
1709 Lily Nielsen (Student)
1710 Acira Mehta Student
1711 Annie Fanelli Student
1712 Gabriela McClure Student
1713 Belinda Kuo Student
1714 Philip Yang Alumni
1715 Caitlin W Student
1716 Brandon Eng Student
1717 Caleb arbreton Student
1718 Sierra Withers student
1719 Kate Kiesow Student
1720 Rebecca Li Student
1721 Shaine Palabrica Student
1722 Dillon Murphy Student
1723 Emily Van Vreeswyk Student
1724 Nemo Buchmiller   (Student)
1725 Ashley Chuah Student
1726 Yrenia Leyson Student
1727 Griffin Spaulding Student
1728 Stephen Cook Student
1729 Maritza Perez Student
1730 Pouya Behdinan Student
1731 Kelley Lam (Student)
1732 Cate Schmoller Student
1733 Fiona O’Neill Student
1734 mandy yang student
1735 Chong Kim Parent
1736 Chloe Student
1737 Lizbeth Iniguez student
1738 Kyoko Hall Student
1739 Ronna Chavin Parent of alumni & grandparent of student
1740 Annika Anderson Student
1741 Michael O’Bryan Student
1742 Jason Chang Student
1743 Kirsten Staff and Community Member
1744 Phoebe Dang Student
1745 Kenny Won Student
1746 Karan Singh Student
1747 Teghvir Grewal (Student)
1748 Seika Streets Student
1749 Bridget Morgan Student
1750 Jackie Jacobson Alumni
1751 Joshua Fagans Student Parent
1752 Sameera Balijepalli Student
1753 Eric Shan Student
1754 Evelyn Hernandez Student
1755 Jonathyn Yip Student
1756 Luz Diaz Student
1757 Kayla Hansen Student
1758 Amanda Moger Student
1759 Michelle Terrell Parent of a CalPoly graduate  and a current student
1760 Jade Phong Student
1761 Grace Romero Student
1762 Ryan Motta Student
1763 Jared McMurray Student
1764 Dominic Ferrari student
1765 May Thiri Kyaw Student
1766 Gracie Edler (Student)
1767 Austin Chang Student
1768 Vanessa Guzmab Student
1769 Julia Broms Student
1770 Aria Pegah Student
1771 Brooke Darby (Student)
1772 Teri Rie Alumni
1773 Lynn Prasai Student
1774 Ethan Fischer (Student)
1775 Elias Morales Student
1776 K. Mohammadi Parent and Alumni
1777 Kinsey Switalski Student
1778 John Thompson Faculty; CFA-SLO Executive Board member
1779 Crystal Martinez Student
1780 Hannah A. Woolsey Student
1781 Ren Messinger Student
1782 Sophia Wang Student
1783 Monica Woolsey Alumni
1784 Harry Yan Student
1785 Nathan Villalpando Student
1786 Tuan Thai Student
1787 Emily Zehm Student
1788 Arman Barekat Student
1789 Tuan Thai Student
1790 Prit Shah Student
1791 JJ Kun Parent
1792 Nestor Martinez Student
1793 Venky bali Student
1794 Julio Serrano Student
1795 Sana Allam Community Member
1796 Elen Zhu Student
1797 Tim Erwin Student
1798 Lauren Ark Student
1799 Balraj brar Student
1800 Kai Parel-Sewell Student
1801 Catherine Phan Student
1802 Jess M Student
1803 James Pan Student
1804 Alissa Student
1805 Tiffany Thai Student's family
1806 Tanzim Student
1807 Benson Thai Student's family
1808 Anjali Student
1809 Maria Martinez Student
1810 lauren kaltenbach   student
1811 Van Hong Student
1812 Sydnee Tan Student
1813 Damon Lin Student
1814 Ethan Mach Student
1815 Chaman Chutiya Student
1816 Nick Androski Student
1817 Madison Buhse Student
1818 Patrick Obesen Student
1819 Katie Court Student
1820 Kylie Phillips Student
1821 Tarini Srikanth
1822 Jaidyn Engbers student (sort of)
1823 Hoku Chidester Student
1824 Esther Need Student
1825 Ella Kawamoto Student
1826 Caroline Sumi Alumni
1827 Aliyah Madriaga Student
1828 Lily Tenner Student
1829 Teddy Student
1830 Brian Brennan Alumni
1831 Erin Rindner Student
1832 Nina Tamayo Student
1833 Jojo Lamkin Student’s Family
1834 Maddie Brown Student
1835 Dillon Tung Student
1836 Nathan Scheinkman Student
1837 Sami Chun Student
1838 Ashley Choi Student
1839 Carolina Mora Student
1840 Kristina Yan Student
1841 Jerry Huo Student
1842 Leslie Chan Student
1843 Bridget Moloney Student
1844 Yaniv Sagy (Student)
1845 Dominique Morales Grad Student
1846 Alexis Lay Student
1847 John Lopez Student
1848 Sahil Rikhi Student
1849 Janice Park Student
1850 Nadia Zikria Student
1851 Hannah Block Student
1852 Odessa Pusina Student
1853 Jason Chen Student
1854 Collin Marfia Resident Advisor
1855 Patryk Gatela Student
1856 Daniyal Khan Student
1857 Nathan Danielson Alumni
1858 Angelo Lozano Student
1859 Serah Myers Student
1860 Andrea Wallace Parent
1861 Jeanie Kim student
1862 Yanitsa Buendia de Llaca Faculty
1863 Rosa Kim parent
1864 Kate Weckwerth Student
1865 Mary Rose Ronquillo Alumni
1866 Ryan Dicks Student
1867 Haley Fierros Student
1868 Yobert Q. Labasan Student
1869 Sanjana Gundala Student
1870 Trevor Ortega Student
1871 Calvin Wu Student
1872 Emily Rauch Student
1873 Ella Marchal Student
1874 Elizabeth T Alumni
1875 Julianna Garcia Student
1876 Krystal Kyain Student
1877 Joan S. M. Meyers Faculty
1878 Liel Grosskopf Student
1879 Nick G Student
1880 Amanda Arendt (Student)
1881 Robert Vander Weele Community Member
1882 Nathan Pineda Student
1883 Emma Fay Student
1884 Belen Padilla CLA student
1885 Amanda Pleimann Student
1886 Alyssa Student
1887 Hunter Herring-Alderete Student
1888 Larissa Liden Student
1889 Natalie Piserchio Alumni
1890 lizeth reyes student
1891 Cathy Myers Student family member
1892 Cole Marin Student
1893 Allison Trajano Community Member
1894 Alex Ramos Student
1895 Tessa Tapmongkol Student
1896 Tara H. Student
1897 Carver Cordes Alumni
1898 Joaquin Salas Villegas Student
1899 Anna Student
1900 Katrina C. Ortega Parent
1901 Joeli Pence Student
1902 Sophie Wilson Student
1903 Fiona Nudd student
1904 Katie student
1905 Melina Lopez Student
1906 Rachel Hennessy Student, MCRP
1907 Cyril rebel Parent
1908 Regina Endoso Alumni
1909 Romelo Urbi Alumni
1910 Jenna Cazalet Student
1911 Martin Ortega Alumni / parent
1912 Yazmin Corona Student
1913 Nick Dhanda Family Member
1914 Ethan Pace Student
1915 Ashleigh Toscano Community Member
1916 Jennifer Myers (student family member)
1917 Stanley Pan Family member of student
1918 Nishita Katere Student
1919 Leon Zhang Student
1920 Sean Flood Student
1921 Matthew Ho Student
1922 Axel Morales Family Member
1923 Enrico Cruz Employee and Student
1924 Ella Rose Community Member/Family Member of student
1925 Matthew Van Prooyen Student
1926 Ariel Tolentino Alumni
1927 Carina Swann Student
1928 Ruby Gonzales Student
1929 Evi Troulis Student
1930 Yan Parent
1931 Wesly Ortega Student
1932 Erika Murase Student
1933 Emilia Datuin Student
1934 bennie thackeray Community member
1935 D. Myers Community Member
1936 Clarissa Arredondo Student
1937 Tessa Student
1938 D’Angelo Student
1939 Jack Young Student
1940 Anthony Van Puyvelde Student
1941 Nathan Ip Student
1942 Ethan Sundberg Student
1943 Addison Le Claire Student
1944 Ryan Tolentino Student
1945 Cole Hadaller Student
1946 Alyssa Guerra Student
1947 Alejandra Yep Faculty
1948 Johnny Juarez Student
1949 Catherine Esguerra Student
1950 Kaitlyn Alforque Student
1951 Rylee Turpin Student
1952 Malia Samonte Student
1953 Marcella Feng Community
1954 Josh Laguio Alumni
1955 Josué Pereyra (Student)
1956 Danica Boyle Alumni and Community Member
1957 Paige Niven Student
1958 Brenden Do student
1959 Twila Tran Alumni
1960 Lindsey Franklin Alumni
1961 Leyanna Lawson Student
1962 Tamara S Student
1963 Marianne Liu Student
1964 Amy Uthenpong Cal Poly Students
1965 Devon Su Student
1966 Murielle Danant-Fung Student
1967 Kayla Yim Student
1968 Jade Lawson Parent
1969 Lena Hoover Student
1970 Erina Miyamoto Student
1971 Jennifer Kim Community Member
1972 Abby Clark Student
1973 Jessica Luo Student
1974 Nilay Patel Student
1975 Avi Shapiro Student
1976 Brandon Nguyen student
1977 Jean Williams Faculty
1978 Chris Middleton Student
1979 Vivian Nguyen Student
1980 Joon Lee Alumni
1981 Kendall Baebler Student
1982 Amanda Hugnkiss Community Member
1983 Anna Vanderford Student
1984 Jillian Buteau Student
1985 Matthew Hall Community Member
1986 Andrew Laurin Student
1987 Cynthia Lee Alumni
1988 Veronica House Student
1989 Sophie Young Student
1990 Juan DeLaRosa Community Member
1991 Jessie Bontatibus Community member
1992 Carissa Rivas Student
1993 Jacob Albanese Student
1994 Jacob Kenner Community Member
1995 Fabian Manzano Alumni
1996 Alyssa G student
1997 Eric Newcomer Alumni
1998 Amanda student
1999 Christopher Xavier Rivera Student
2000 Emma H Student
2001 Valerie Ortega Community member
2002 Artin Davari Student
2003 Annette Phan Alumni
2004 Anna Chi Alumni
2005 Joanna Gazcon student
2006 Alam Romo Student
2007 Trista Smith Student
2008 Rue Heath student/resident advisor
2009 Deborah Jamieson Faculty
2010 Kirsten Wisner, PhD, RN Parent
2011 Ken Habib Faculty
2012 Caitlin Lota Student
2013 Ben Botka Alumni
2014 Anders Johnson Graduate Student
2015 Carlos Lopez Student
2016 Katherine O Kruger Student
2017 Laurie Larson Parent
2018 Caelen Parsons Student
2019 Soronny Lee Student
2020 Patrice Cheung Student
2021 Tim Larson Parent
2022 Doran Campbell student
2023 Krishan Ram Student
2024 Patience Parker Student
2025 Christine Lewis Student
2026 Tammy C Student
2027 Lilian Chan Student
2028 Leia O’Brian Alumni
2029 Cami Gorospe Student
2030 Zac Regner Student
2031 Sarah D Parent
2032 Andrew Lin Student
2033 Jamey Farin Student
2034 Annabelle Dovinh Student
2035 Nevia S Student
2036 Isabella Cao Student
2037 Naomi Furuya Student
2038 Daniel Han Student
2039 Sahil Bhatia Community member
2040 Madeline Columna Student, animal science
2041 Matthew Campbell Parent
2042 Samantha Columna Student
2043 Patrick Gomez Student
2044 Rita Chau Parent
2045 Maria Aguirre Student
2046 Juliana Romano-Silverstein Student
2047 Karina Curiel Student
2048 Itzel Gonzalez Student
2049 Julia Manzano Student
2050 Nikki Student
2051 Brian T Community Member
2052 Annette Tran student
2053 Sophie Jorgensen Alumni
2054 Jose Velez Student
2055 James Yang Student
2056 Jay Nelson Student
2057 Kirsten Wisner, PhD, RN Parent
2058 Kathryn Eyler Parent
2059 Lily Student
2060 Emma Mears Student
2061 Madyson Swanson (Student)
2062 Nidia Ramos Student
2063 Senna Kim Community Member
2064 Châu Nguyen Student
2065 Mikayla Cruthers Student
2066 Noa B Student
2067 Iris Marchant Student
2068 Matthew Leibowitz Student
2069 Darian Marshall Student
2070 Claire J Alumni
2071 Parent-paying tuition Footing the bill for tuition
2072 Kelsey Molina Alumni
2073 Austin M Alumni
2074 Zachary Gee Student
2075 Claire Berman Student
2076 Natalia Cieply Student and Instructor
2077 Vestna K Student
2078 Maya J Student
2079 Jewel Zinto Student
2080 Anthony Feghaly Student
2081 nicole weaver student
2082 Alyse Murray Student
2083 Nicholas Bender Student
2084 Justin Tran Student
2085 Priya Darshan Family member
2086 Alyssa R student
2087 Ethan Wu Student
2088 Sean R Student
2089 Anna Loew Student
2090 Danielle P. Student
2091 Luca Flick-Kaiser Student
2092 Kyle Lew Student
2093 Colin Cook Student
2094 Chloe Chou Student
2095 Zainab Ahmad student
2096 Isa Fitzmaurice Student
2097 Sophia K Student
2098 Alyssa M Student
2099 Jordyn Ludeman Student
2100 Isabel Anderson student
2101 Avery Elowitt Student
2102 Jacob Lantin Student
2103 Katherine Punao Student/Staff
2104 Talia Joffe Student
2105 Meilan Wong Student
2106 Hai Tri Tran Student
2107 Luke Pennington Student
2108 Tatum Bouse-Eaton Student
2109 Isabella Amann Alumni
2110 Sierra Student
2111 Jillian Russell Student
2112 Kendall Taylor Student
2113 Jessica Handjojo Student
2114 Sara Moon Student
2115 Arina P Student
2116 Kassandra Gonzalez Student
2117 Benjamin Ip Student
2118 Sidney Gana Student
2119 Allison Jung Student
2120 Clay Froelich Alumnus
2121 Emilie H Phuong Student
2122 Madeleine Wing Community Member
2123 Alex Delgadillo Student
2124 Jasper Fuhs Student
2125 Nicholas Le Student
2126 Ariana Sadigh Student
2127 Ky Huynh Student
2128 Lauren C Student
2129 Eduardo C Student
2130 Diane Student
2131 Raphael Jerome Perez Marasigan Student
2132 Ellis Pitzele Alumni
2133 Lexi Raymond student
2134 Sebastian Barboza Student
2135 Kate Miller Student
2136 Grady Schneider Student
2137 James Centis Student
2138 Thea Yang Student
2139 Ramin sartip Community member
2140 K Hall Student
2141 Victor Dekhtyar Student
2142 Mike Patterson Parent
2143 Sam Kim Parent
2144 Kelsey Student
2145 dominique stone Student
2146 Kiersten Killmer Student
2147 Madreena Lee student
2148 Annica Navarro Alumna
2149 Katrina Lin Student
2150 London Brunelle Community Member
2151 Mav Lara Student
2152 Sam Cvetovac Alumni
2153 Serene Ang Student
2154 Alejandro Tamayo Parent
2155 Will Raduziner Student
2156 Camille Erskine Alumna
2157 Linda LU Parent
2158 Ruta Saliklis Community Member
2159 Mark peterson Parent
2160 Jay Bettergarcia, Ph.D Faculty
2161 Jennifer Pence Parent
2162 Dana Stangel Patent
2163 Mary Moloney Parent
2164 Stephanie Backlund Community Member
2165 Sraddha Samantula Student
2166 Alvin Xu Student
2167 Tatiana Garcia Alumni
2168 Carol Parent
2169 Colleen Marlow Faculty
2170 Zoë Student
2171 Francisco Medina Student
2172 summer matson Staff
2173 Nicholas Nguyen Student
2174 Brandon C Chestnut Community member ex staff
2175 Andreo Dela Cruz Student
2176 Heath Hooper Student
2177 Hannah Hochheiser Student
2178 Sara Batchelor Parent
2179 Jack Batchelor Parent
2180 Christopher Patrick Student
2181 Maria Romero Student
2182 Deanna Payan Student employee
2183 Vanessa Siu Alumni
2184 Juliette Fournier Student
2185 Courtney Brogno Faculty
2186 Arete Arredondo FNP Community Member
2187 Yvonne Ybarrola Community member/retiree
2188 Andrew Lai Student
2189 Lauren Birkhahn Alumni
2190 Suzanne Dempsey Parent and alum
2191 Sidney Tran Student
2192 Michelle Zhang Student
2193 Asher Hacker Alumni
2194 William Robinson Alumni
2195 Sharon Ng student
2196 Megan Lawritson Student
2197 Kathi Rawnsley Community Member, Parent
2198 Riley Alumni
2199 Kathleen Dempsey Student
2200 Serena Jenson Student
2201 Stephanie Yip Student
2202 Isabella Erickson Student
2203 mara mazanec student
2204 Sophia Anderson Alumni
2205 Zoe P Student
2206 Ryan Curtis Student
2207 Liana cardera Student
2208 Danyelle Anderson Student
2209 Eli Leclair Student
2210 Alissa Mullin Student
2211 Kassandra M Student
2212 Kavana Gonur Student
2213 kaitlyn jeffry student
2214 Jordan Klein Student
2215 Vardha N. Bennert Faculty
2216 Velma Tiberti Community member
2217 Hanna Jaynes student
2218 Hanna Jaynes student
2219 Emily Marfia Community Member
2220 Amelia Barbee Family
2221 Phoebe Johnson Alumni
2222 Lauren Pearl Student
2223 Dale Greenley Parent
2224 Emma lenker Student
2225 Sachi Hiji Student
2226 Nickayla Virtusio Student
2227 Nicole Plaskett student
2228 Chris Burnester Parent
2229 Sachi Goli Student
2230 Christian Ahumada Student
2231 Zoe Atkins (Student)
2232 Bisma Butt Parent
2233 Rachael Ryan Student
2234 Angelo L Student
2235 Henry Bouma (Student)
2236 Michaela Roy (Student)
2237 Melissa Carpenter Alumni
2238 Amishi Jain Student
2239 Amber Fitzgerald Community Member
2240 Kate Perry Student
2241 Samantha Marecek Student
2242 Mallory Paige Tevini Student
2243 Sam Carlson Alumni, Community Member
2244 Karina Aplaon Alumni
2245 Samuel Leingang Student
2246 Finlay Smith Student
2247 Cheryl Mc Lean Alumni & Community Member
2248 S. Maule Alumni
2249 Katherine Arthur faculty
2250 Georgina Stiegeler Alumni
2251 Fenn Bruns Student
2252 Kaylee Benting Student
2253 Uriel Flores Student
2254 Andrea Garcia Student
2255 Gerardo Hernandez Student
2256 Colin McGlinchey Student
2257 Shelby Holmquist (student)
2258 Wyatt Conner Student
2259 Simran Grewal Student
2260 Kari Bennett Alumni
2261 Katrina Storie Student
2262 Nicole Bogage Student
2263 Rosa Flores Student
2264 Taylor Abouzeid Alumni
2265 Reilly Yuen Student
2266 Emily Truong Student
2267 Marco Student
2268 Rose Duran Staff
2269 Erin Kim Student
2270 Jafra Thomas Faculty
2271 Chris Danielson Student
2272 Matthew Wong (Student)
2273 Analisa Viloria Student
2274 Keith F student
2275 Samuel Munji Student
2276 Trey Burr Student and Staff
2277 Jessica Rodriguez Student
2278 Valerie Lopez Alumni
2279 Allen Shahshahani comm member
2280 Angela Gutierrez (Student)
2281 M. M. Student
2282 Mark Kong Student
2283 Lauren Hinkle Student
2284 Alexis Caraveo Alumni
2285 Nicole Argueta Alumni
2286 Michelle community member
2287 Sahib Singh Matharu Student
2288 William Hickman Alumni
2289 Alex Student
2290 Gladis Contreras Student
2291 Caroline Theis Student
2292 Ellie H Student
2293 Joyce Zhou Student
2294 John-o Roberts Community Member
2295 Erica Wynne (Student)
2296 Ameya Malekar Student
2297 Leslie Community member
2298 Alex Stein Student
2299 Bill Chan Student
2300 Lorenzo Ruiz Alumni
2301 Megan Hasbrooke Student
2302 Ged Mulingtapang Student
2303 David Rodgers Student
2304 Cole Powers Student
2305 Kristen Simoes Student
2306 Olivia Peterson Alumni
2307 Gary Vardanyan Student
2308 Keemia Khamnei Alumni
2309 Lauren Tarica Student
2310 Elizabeth Folk Faculty
2311 Miranda S Student
2312 Eric C. Student
2313 Pranav Bhagat Student
2314 Ella Batterson Student
2315 Braedon Student
2316 Luke Carpenter Student
2317 Terri Howell Concerned parent
2318 Kiana Wong Student
2319 Brian Song Student
2320 Sahana Satish Student
2321 Amanda Nazario Student
2322 Mary Kate Harrington Student
2323 Jai Maheshwari Student
2324 Nick Smith Student
2325 Vanessa Wang student
2326 Annika Ostrem Student
2327 Scott Collier Student
2328 Maya Smith Student
2329 Claire Kehoe Student
2330 Annika Parent
2331 Kamille Dimayuga Student
2332 Eileen Barrera Student
2333 Dillon Nguyen Student
2334 Devon Weatherall Student
2335 Amanda Quan Student
2336 Emma Davis Student
2337 Manisha Thind Student
2338 Jacob Richards Student
2339 Emma Carter Student
2340 Analisa Duarte Student
2341 Jaden Merriman Student
2342 Nicholas White Staff
2343 Jonathan Lee Student
2344 Jerry Sheng Student
2345 Liz Shoemaker Student
2346 Elizabeth Scholtes Student
2347 Teri Chang concerned parent
2348 Carlin S Student
2349 Olivia Eck Alumni
2350 Alexander Watkins Student
2351 Jayden Phan Student
2352 Keita Shimanuki Student
2353 Glen Gillen (Faculty)
2354 Karalee Mota Community Member
2355 Aimee Armstrong Student
2356 Matthew F Student
2357 Jeremiah Hernandez Student
2358 Megan Triebel Alumni
2359 Ramasrith Rompicharla Student
2360 Ananya Student
2361 Karen Community Member, staff
2362 Jeff Eidelman Former consultant, Cal Poly health center
2363 Elliot Waters (Student)
2364 Melitta Kauppinen Student
2365 Eva Kim Sister of student :)
2366 Joy Fukushima student
2367 Nishka Chawla Student
2368 Atsada Ploypray Student
2369 Michelle Community Member
2370 Aleya Dolorfino Student
2371 Hannah Lavin Student
2372 Jennie Le Student
2373 STHANU MAHADEV Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering
2374 Jason Peters Faculty
2375 Taylor Camp Student
2376 Chloe Hodge Student
2377 Mason M Medizade Faculty
2378 Sarah Contreras Student
2379 Thomas Fowler IV Faculty
2380 Steffen Peuker Faculty
2381 Tina Smilkstein Faculty
2382 Sadie Johann Faculty
2383 Charles Woffinden Faculty
2384 Megan Hunt Student
2385 Bryan Knakiewicz Faculty
2386 Jack Waeschle Student
2387 Bryan Shields Faculty
2388 David A. Student
2389 Veronica Cook Parent paying tuition
2390 Ashraf Rahim Faculty, Engineering
2391 Jason Ng Student
2392 Morgan Philbin Community Member
2393 Jana Johnstone Student
2394 Elise Monroe (Student)
2395 Javier de la Fuente Faculty
2396 Matthew F Student
2397 Andy Lin Student
2398 Anvitha Bhat Student
2399 Margarita Hill Faculty
2400 Jess Jensen Faculty
2401 H. H. Palandoken Faculty
2402 Yan Shan Faculty
2403 Nina Truch faculty
2404 Megan J Moreau Student
2405 Savannah Young Student
2406 Ella Hood student
2407 Kelly McKenna Student
2408 Jimmy Doi Faculty
2409 Marilynn Vega Student
2410 Steven Ruszczycky Faculty
2411 Solina Lindahl Faculty
2412 Jackie Parker Community Member
2413 Mia Lindahl Student
2414 Greig Cummings Community member for half a century
2415 Peter Schuster Faculty
2416 Cesar Martinez Student
2417 Shelley L Hurt faculty
2418 Hugh Smith Faculty
2419 Tyler Glende Student
2420 Lori Gavia Student
2421 Doug Jackson Faculty
2422 Noah Parker Community Member
2423 Michael Haungs Faculty
2424 Kelsey Nguyen Student
2425 Garrett Gorczyca Student
2426 Maddie Schroth-Glanz Faculty
2427 Haoyan Chi faculty
2428 Jordyn Cohen Student
2429 Cameron Jones Faculty
2430 Armond Dai Student
2431 Bing Qu Faculty
2432 Emmanuel Guzman (Student)
2433 Jenna Conine Student
2434 Greta Fanta Community Member
2435 Monserrat Hernandez Student
2436 Nisa Morey Faculty
2437 Bernice White Grandparent
2438 Nian Cheng Faculty
2439 Julie An Student
2440 Lorraine Donegan Faculty
2441 Rhea Mohan Student
2442 Meredith Sattler Faculty
2443 Rose Finstad Student
2444 Daniel Cohen Student parent
2445 Jeff Zimmerman Lecturer
2446 Anthony Federico Brother of Student
2447 Glen Starkey English Faculty
2448 Adam Werner Faculty
2449 Zachary Moore Community Member
2450 Brendan D Student
2451 John Pan Faculty
2452 Marty Kaliski Professor Emeritus, Electrical Engineering and Student
2453 Regulus Allen Faculty
2454 Yiwen Chiu (faculty)
2455 Jermaine Washington Faculty
2456 Hunter Glanz Faculty
2457 Ana Touriel student
2458 Juan Martinez Student
2459 Katrina S. Student
2460 Kate Lima Student
2461 Elianna Oliver Student
2462 Ayesha Gokhale Student
2463 Haley Burke Student
2464 Jennifer Shields Faculty
2465 Catherine Tumali Student
2466 Coyle La Student
2467 Brandy Kreider Faculty
2468 Margaret Bodemer Faculty
2469 Tony Prado Faculty (with an immunocompromised daughter at home)
2470 Emma Kim student
2471 Finlay Piroth Student
2472 Danny Dang Student
2473 Barbara Philbin (Community/Alumni)
2474 Gabrielle Macapinlac Alumni
2475 Steve Kane Faculty
2476 Gina Fake Community member
2477 Claire Eberhart Student
2478 Charlie Solnik Student
2479 Mayank Loyalka Student
2480 Lilly Angell Student
2481 Madelyn Rivera Student
2482 Jonathan Ball Student
2483 Emily Adams (Student)
2484 Kinsey Switalski Student
2486 Katherine Prado Family member of faculty with an immune compromised daughter
2487 Peggy kreider Faculty family member
2488 Kristel Mallari Student
2489 Keith Waibel Faculty
2490 Lydia Stocker Alumni
2491 Andrew Chestnut Resident manager
2492 Aaron Liggett Faculty
2493 Cole Patterson Student
2494 Megan Schnarr Student
2495 Tamica D’Souza Alumni
2496 Sophie Ruha (Student)
2497 Sophia Prado Family member  of faculty staff
2498 Rioka Kanazawa Student
2499 Kasey Bitter Student
2500 Allen Settle Faculty
2501 Rebekah Maples Faculty, English Dept.
2502 Donald K Philbin Alumni
2503 Gazelle Chen Student
2504 Brett Bodemer Faculty
2505 Neal MacDougall Faculty AGB Dept. (CAFES)
2506 Aaron Drake Faculty
2507 Chris Hyncik Student
2508 Kai Matson Community Member
2509 Liz Johnston Faculty
2510 Jenna Beutelschies Student
2511 Eli Silva Student
2512 Nayana Tiwari Student
2513 Margaret Pedone Faculty
2514 Madison Miller Student
2515 Tomas Martinez student staff
2516 Mackenzie Henderson Student
2517 Kara Strauss Community Member
2518 Tarun S Ganamur Student
2519 Andrew Goodwin Faculty
2520 Ananya Desai Student
2521 Erin Zamora Faculty
2522 Annika Furr Student
2523 Eric J. Kantorowski Faculty
2524 Jennifer Ball Parent
2525 Rowan Seaver Family Member of Student
2526 Rebekah Oulton Faculty
2527 Jose Gonzalez Student
2528 Shivam Asija Student
2529 Falak Patel Student
2530 Julie Elvin faculty
2531 Addy Ramirez Student
2532 John Carson Student
2533 Stephanie Wong Parent
2534 Catelynn Kenner Family of Faculty, Public Health Professional
2535 Maria Community Member
2536 Annie Xu Community Member
2537 Christian Morett Castro Student
2538 Tiffany Boudagian Community Member
2539 Anna Rioux Student
2540 Lucy Bencharit Faculty
2541 Alexander Nicholson Student
2542 Miranda Student
2543 Katherine Schaefer Student
2544 Ariana luna Student
2545 Jayme Schick Student
2546 Cecilia Prado Community Member
2547 Jude Clark Warnisher Faculty
2548 Josh Ng Student
2549 Emily Taylor Faculty
2550 Ryden S. Student
2551 Maggie Wu Alumni
2552 Carson Bryan Student
2553 Katherine Crise Student
2554 Gino Flores Alumni
2555 Amy Yu Student
2556 Liam Quach Student
2557 Adam Strauss Community Member
2558 Jackeline Figueroa student
2559 Ethan Zimbelman Student
2560 Riley Prendergast (Staff, Alumni)
2561 Bianca Khoo Student
2562 Riley Furey Student
2563 Sarah Wax Student
2564 Halle Gotico Student
2565 Aimar Martinez Student
2566 Harshit Mittal Student
2567 Katharina Gillen Faculty, Physics
2568 Antonio F. Garcia Professor of Geology
2569 Joy H. Student
2570 Linda Lee Faculty
2571 Christian De Vera Student
2572 Najib Ocon (Student)
2573 Annette Greenley student
2574 Bailey Vydareny student
2575 Shirley Thai Community member
2576 Jack Student
2577 Kathy Peterson Parent
2578 Nicole Boyd Parent
2579 Christine Hackman (Faculty, Kinesiology and Public Health)
2580 Ryan Larson student
2581 briant franco student
2582 Alexander Truong Student
2583 Alex Thomas Student
2584 Jesus Panales Castillo Student
2585 Don Angelo Castillo Student
2586 Sophie Thompson Community member
2587 Leslie Ramirez community member
2588 Sophia Forster Faculty
2589 Curly Zhao Student
2590 Aditi Sriram Student
2591 Noelle Wong Student
2592 Joey Tran (Student)
2593 Alexis Jimenez Student
2594 Bob M. Family of Faculty
2595 Tyne Student
2596 Bonnie Thompson (Community member)
2597 Dahlia Hafez Faculty (Architectural Engineering)
2598 Madison Kasper Student
2599 David Parkinson Faculty
2600 Sean Community member
2601 Carly Sussman Student
2602 Leonardo Juarez Student
2603 Stephen Student
2604 Jack Kisling Student
2605 Duncan Applegarth Student
2606 Jan Simek Emeritus Professor
2607 Bridget Benson Faculty
2608 Kaitlyn S Student
2609 Brooke Comstock (student)
2610 Martin Rodriguez Student
2611 Elonna Fisher Student
2612 Ryan Schrader Student
2613 Sarah lore Student
2614 James Mealy Faculty
2615 Victoria Prado Community Member
2616 Sophia Escalona Student
2617 Hemalata Dandekar Faculty
2618 Colleen Hotz Student
2619 gianna shain Student
2620 rylynn pierson student
2621 Sam Eggers Student
2622 Sean Woodring Community
2623 Isabell Hope Garcia Faculty--Lecturer in English Department
2624 Matthew Martin Student
2625 Luna Lowsky Student
2626 Liana Wong Student
2627 David Headrick Faculty, community member
2628 Matteo gozzini Student
2629 Jennifer Alaniz Student
2630 John Ridgely Faculty
2631 Elias weber Student
2632 Brianna Reece Student
2633 Claudia Schrader Student supporter
2634 Amy Ward Faculty
2635 Ethan Yamamoto Student
2636 John Ty Student
2637 Emily Wilson Student relative
2638 Megan Faculty, Alumni, community member
2639 Tara Student
2640 paula ortiz student
2641 Ethan Gutterman Student
2642 Kiyavash O Azim Student
2643 Georgia Alley Student
2644 Kai Parks Student
2645 Amelia Ramirez Faculty
2646 Sarah Jean Kamp Student
2647 Jennah Chantry Student Supporter
2648 Isabel Lao Student
2649 Ryan Alaniz Faculty
2650 Soojin Lee Parent of Student
2651 Anna Lee Family of Student
2652 Matthew Honda Student
2653 Julie Chessen Faculty
2654 Sarah Lee Sister of Student
2655 Ben Lutz Faculty
2656 Kristine Javar Student
2657 Peggy C Papathakis Faculty FERP
2658 Jean Read Parent
2659 Sindhu Srivats Student
2660 Alana Heinlein Student
2661 Olivia Ratti Student
2662 Sumi Alem Student
2663 Kyara Cashion Student
2664 Candice Leung Alumni
2665 Garrett Knoller Student
2666 Natalie Young student
2667 Priscilla P Student
2668 John Marlier Emeritus Professor
2669 Alex Nikolaev Alumni
2670 Jessica Corr Student
2671 Tahne Larson Student
2672 John Wright Student
2673 Valerie Choi Student
2674 Carlyn Wahl Student
2675 Olivia Student
2676 Rajas Sisodiya Student
2677 Jasalyn Avila Student
2678 Hugo Valdez Student
2679 Fatima Ramirez Student
2680 Taufik Faculty
2681 Victoria Romero Student
2682 Kylie Barkle Student
2683 Ellie Zukowski Student
2684 Namji Kim Student
2685 Maria Arriaga Parent of Student!
2686 Joshua Rizzolo Student
2687 Gail Lazar Parent of student
2688 Joshua Senoro Student
2689 Nathan S Student
2690 Colin Rowe Student
2691 Daniella Herrera Student
2692 Sydney Roncal student
2693 Conor Alumni
2694 Catherine Waitinas Faculty
2695 Jackson Welch Student
2696 Brett Savage Faculty
2697 Jia-Yu Sung Student
2698 Tatiana R Student
2699 Zachary Tang Student
2700 Victoria Community
2701 Sameer Kp Parent
2702 Cole Warner Student
2703 Vicente del Rio Faculty
2704 Ananya Student
2705 Philip Schremp Student
2706 Jacob Lam Student
2707 Lauryn Cabral Student
2708 Kevin Whalen Alumni
2709 Fan Yang Faculty
2710 Loanie Phan Student
2711 Maria (Student)
2712 Scott Fraser Faculty (Physics)
2713 Haniya Hassan Student
2714 Sean Fraser Community member and Colleague (Physics)
2715 John Walker Faculty
2716 Jasmin Michaca Student
2717 Kathy Eppright Faculty
2718 Belle A (student)
2719 Andrew W Student
2720 Ken Sugihara Parent
2721 Landon Dodd Student
2722 Maura Darby Student
2723 Lonny Simonian Faculty
2724 Eva Genkinger Student
2725 ANYA AXELROD parent of student
2726 Stephanie M Student
2727 Emmett Allen Student
2728 Rosaly Ramos Student
2729 Kerri Hinkle Community Member
2730 Cristian Sierra Community Member
2731 Samuel Shalhoub Faculty
2732 Thomas Cliff Retired Physician, community member
2733 Tim Jenkins Parent
2734 Kyle Tse (Student)
2735 Shelly Jenkins Parent
2736 Chloe Anbarcioglu Student
2737 Renae Garcia-Pack Student
2738 Alison Lucero Alumni
2739 Claire Levine Alumni
2740 Brian Pack Student
2741 Jianna Gladfelter Student
2742 Lydia Mourenza Community member
2743 Marya Bolyanatz Community nurse practitioner
2744 Jeff Marshall (Parent of CP SLO Student and Professor of Geological Sciences at Cal Poly Pomona)
2745 Dave Schaefer Parent
2746 Emma Moon Community Member
2747 Kelly McDermott Student
2748 Isabel Choi Student
2749 Kim Shollenberger Faculty
2750 Temma Roby Cal Poly Parent
2751 Kari Gilje Parent
2752 Angelina Student
2753 Ashley Bolter Student
2754 Pete Schwartz Faculty
2755 Delaney Byrne Student
2756 Ellysse Student
2757 Tatiana Kuriabova Faculty
2758 Arun Ganesh Student
2759 Jordan A Greenfield Student
2760 Lauren Asmussen Student
2761 Cami Westphal Student
2762 Julian delong Student (cuesta college)
2763 Britzenia Reyes friend of student
2764 Louise Torgerson Staff
2765 E Vasquez Student
2766 Jelene Concerned family member
2767 Chi Alumni
2768 Manuel Sanchez Father of 3 students
2769 Annabella Piercey student
2770 julian gomez student
2771 Daisy Chavez Concerned parent
2772 Cara Bram Student
2773 Casey Rawlings Student
2774 Leandra vernon Community member
2775 Eshanthie Nugapitiya Community Member
2776 Dave Rawlings Parent
2777 Em Wildermuth Student
2778 Kainoa Hartrum Student
2779 Eden Hendricks Student
2780 Carter Cromer Student
2781 Thomas R Telles Student
2782 Raina Miller (Student)
2783 Jessica May Alumni
2784 Peter Van Ness Student
2785 Ian Fabros Alumni
2786 Sophie Williford Student
2787 Shikha Rahman Faculty
2788 Liliana Duran Friend of Student
2789 Anahid Behrouzi Faculty, Architectural Engineering
2790 Wyatt Banker-Hix Faculty, Civil & Environmental Engineering
2791 Laura Kirschner Community Member, Alumni
2792 Edward Zhou Student
2793 Abigail Emert Student
2794 Juan Vergara (grad student)
2795 Morgan Miller (Alumni)
2796 Fiona Chin Student
2797 Violet Jane Maguire Student
2798 Kevin Fagan Faculty
2799 Michael Wollman Faculty
2800 Carolina Gutierrez Student
2801 Emily Recinos Student
2802 Marc Horney Faculty
2803 Tiffany Forry Parent Of A Current Student
2804 Alli Mihalka Student
2805 Sophia K Student
2806 Mohamed Cheour Student
2807 Eltahry Elghandour Faculty
2808 Alvin Rios Student
2809 Daisy Benavides Student
2810 Jnan Blau Faculty
2811 Judy Wu Student
2812 Izzie Vinci Student
2813 Sharon Fong Parent
2814 Steven Fong Parent
2815 Jonathan Forry Parent of current student
2816 Sam Levy Student
2817 Marie Tran Family of student
2818 Jorge Aguilera Student
2819 Hugo May Student
2820 Gail Baum Alumni
2821 Charlotte Knudsen Levy Concerned parent
2822 Art MacCarley Faculty
2823 Michael Glenn Student
2824 Kaela Lee Alumni
2825 Kylie Parrotta (Faculty)
2826 Ella Fleischman Student
2827 Marissa Gonnering Student / Staff
2828 Deneen Perez Community member
2829 Evan Cosgrove (Alumni)
2830 Luis Magallon Student
2831 Ian Pines faculty
2832 Max Eisner (Student, CM)
2833 Lucas Reyna Student
2834 Lucie Reyna Student
2835 Nico Nani Student
2836 Joseph Bednar Student
2837 Nina Schuyler Parent
2838 Laura Bialozynski Student
2839 Michele Chapman-Scurria (Alumni, Community Member)
2840 Lizzie Lamoree Faculty
2841 Cristina Rivas Parent
2842 Arne Noori Student
2843 Melissa M (Student)
2844 Becky Li Student
2845 Isabella L DeMaria Yes
2846 Ryan Anderson Community member
2847 Thomas Panyasrivinit Student
2848 C. Margarita Ku student
2849 Gdougan Student
2850 Lisa Mazor Parent
2851 Justin Scabarozi Student
2852 David G Brown Current Cal Poly Parent
2853 JK Moreno Professor Emeritus
2854 Stephan Lamb Student Affairs Administrator - Emeritus
2855 Tyus Green Student
2856 Jennifer Hilty Community Member
2857 Samuel Andrews Student
2858 Luce Colin Student
2859 Samantha de la Fuente Student
2860 Jose Garcia Student
2861 Dean Arakaki Faculty
2862 Katrina Ocampo Student
2864 Gregg Fiegel Faculty
2865 Shreyansh Suman (Student)
2866 L. Springer Student
2867 Natasha Cameron Deeply concerned parent
2868 Ella Lenox (Student)
2869 Jack Ortega Student
2870 Tom Kirschner Community Member, Alumni
2871 Paul Shires Staff
2872 Sophie Russ Student
2873 Noelani Maylad Student
2874 Jessica Gutierrez Student
2875 Emily Ramirez Student
2876 Derek C Manheim Lecturer
2877 Martin Battle Faculty
2878 Kayley Krystkowiak Alumni
2879 Miho Weinstein Parent
2880 Anaisa Bravo - Guzman previous student
2881 Jeremy Weinstein Parent
2882 Holden Cave Student
2883 Mara Preciado Student
2884 Hayden Hawes Student
2885 Eric Qian Student & Staff (Student Assistant)
2886 Michelle Dela Cruz Parent of current student
2887 Amber Chen Student
2888 Debby Leong Parent of current student
2889 Eric Tran Student
2890 Joseph Aguirre Student
2891 Javier Benitez Community member
2892 Julian Rice Student
2893 Veronica Manzano RN Parent
2894 Jacqueline Mendoza Student
2895 Debra Balke MD Medical Community Member
2896 Robert graham Community Member and former Neighbor, Parent was staff member, and a former student and staff member.
2897 Aileen Arona Parent
2898 Rafael Gamboa (Alumni)
2899 Maya Netto Student
2900 Sophia Student
2901 Dalís De La Mora Student
2902 Khue Nai Thao Student
2903 Alexander Velasquez Student
2904 Zoey Camarillo Student
2905 Maritza Reyes Student
2906 Shuo Chen Student
2907 Skyler Meinholz Student
2908 Andy hu Student
2909 Sean Chen Student
2910 Sarah W Student
2911 Nora Lam Parent
2912 Tlaloc Student
2913 Van Chhuangi Student
2914 Chaw Nyein Student
2915 Sherri Parkinson Alumni, Parent, Spouse of Faculty, Community Member
2916 Craig Arceneaux Faculty
2917 Anisha Shikre Student
2918 KJ Conner Community Member
2919 Katya Vreeland Community member
2920 Stacey L. Rucas Faculty
2921 Yo-Jin Dittrich-Tilton Student
2922 Katie c Alumni
2923 Michael J. Costello Faculty, Wine and Viticulture Department
2924 Lewis Wightman Student
2925 Barbara Comstock Parent
2926 Robert A Comstock Parent and Alumni
2927 Sarah Colwell CH&W Counseling Services
2928 Jenilee Sneed Counselor-Faculty
2929 Patrick Sullivan Alumni and community member
2930 Ashley Sullivan Alumni & community member
2931 Chuck Thompson Community member
2932 Mercedes Rutherford-Patten Faculty, Library
2933 Shala Cole Faculty
2934 Miguel Mena Student
2935 Lily Pasetta Student
2936 Darren K. Avrit Faculty
2937 Elizabeth Adan Faculty; WGQS Department Chair
2938 Adam Pazcoguin Student
2939 Ryan Johnston (Student)
2940 Erin Foote Staff & union steward
2941 Catrina Calkins Student
2942 Samuel Frazee Alumni
2943 Meghan Schuler-Jones Staff
2944 Wyatt Webb Student
2945 Drake Mothe Student
2946 luis Fernando Alvarez Student
2947 Annika Jernstedt Student
2948 Aaron Estrada Faculty - Psych/CD
2949 Irene Tobias Staff
2950 Carol McPhee Norton Community member for more than 80 years
2951 Alec Savoye Student
2952 Rushabh Shah student
2953 Rachel Alumni
2954 Kimberly Barton (Staff)
2955 Todd Hagobian Faculty
2956 Judy Barclay Community member
2957 Jennifer Mott faculty
2958 Ken Barclay Faculty
2959 Clayton Craig Faculty
2960 Carol Barker Staff
2961 Richard Cobb  - Faculty, I sign this as an epidemologist noteing that requirement and provision of N95 masks for everyone on campus is the most effective tool we currently have not levereaged to keep the wheels on the winter 22 quarter
2962 Rapha Coutin Student
2963 Sophia Hosmer-Hughes Student
2964 Aidan Stofka Student
2965 Donald Ryujin Professor Emeritus
2966 Richard Schmidt Emeritus Faculty
2967 John Fitzgerald Parent
2968 Tim Stark Community Member
2969 Sabrina Wu Alumni
2970 Caroline Vanalek Alumni, Parent x2
2971 Jacob Quriay Student
2972 Grace Goschke Faculty
2973 Casey Brandt Student
2974 Amanda Lee Student
2975 Armin Aghaebrahim (student)
2976 Sheri Donahue Student
2977 Leigh Ann Bardman Student
2978 Ning Zhang faculty
2979 Eric W Beaton Faculty/Staff
2980 James Colnett Student
2981 Shelly Kurkeyerian Staff
2982 Adam Bustamante Student
2983 Alexcias Meeks student
2984 Nicole Rivera Staff/Alumni/Community Member
2985 Gillian Cutshaw Staff
2986 Khaled quwaider Student
2987 Alexandra Joelson Student
2988 Sophia Chen faculty
2989 Carrie South Staff, Alumni
2990 Chris Clark Faculty
2991 Haley pinney Community member
2992 Ariel Peraza Community Member
2993 Brandon Slater Student
2994 Kalea Conrad Student
2995 Kaitlyn Yeung Student
2996 B. Kehle Student
2997 Mario Rocha Student
2998 Mya Velcelean Student
2999 Elena Scarr Student
3000 Stina Attebery Faculty
2998 Mya Velcelean Student
2999 Elena Scarr Student
3000 Stina Attebery Faculty
3001 Maribel Aviles (student)
3002 Tallula Wray-Steigman student
3003 Zoe Carpenter Student
3004 Juliana Bernal Student
3005 Layton birchell Student
3006 Anna Cohen Student
3007 Nicholas Trautman alumni
3008 Tasia Trevino-Hill Community Member
3009 Amanda Herbst Student
3010 Ahren Dosanjh Student
3011 Nathan McFarland Student
3012 Daniel Puga Student
3013 Clay McKell Faculty
3014 Sandra Ward Faculty
3015 Ian Phipps Student
3016 Lauren Londoño Student
3017 Tyrone Montgomery Staff
3018 Alex Imbery Student
3019 Kimberly Anderson Alumni
3020 Connor Bly Student
3021 Anvita Vyas Student
3022 Ashley Nguyen Student
3023 Avery Ancell Student
3024 Danielle D. Staff
3025 Gary R. Clay Faculty
3026 Nikki DeMoville Staff (33 years); Alumnus, Spouse, & Parent of Alumni; Daughter of Faculty Emeritus
3027 Molly Loberg Faculty
3028 Carole Chapman Staff
3029 Ben Sacco Student
3030 Briana Ronan Faculty
3031 Kim Chacon faculty
3032 David Gillette Faculty
3033 Siyuan Xing Faculty
3034 Abby Yee Student
3035 John Gillingham Staff RN
3036 Elizabeth Chan-Diaz (Student)
3037 Philip Valle Faculty
3038 Alyssa Pacheco Student
3039 P S Ridgely Faculty
3040 Roger L Ludin Professor Emeritus
3041 JoAnn Moore faculty
3042 Celeste Gutierrez Student
3043 Rachel Mason Student
3044 Eric Hightower Student
3045 Olivia Student
3046 Garrett Neal Community member, relative of staff member
3047 Sarah Rhea Student
3048 Carmen Trudell Faculty
3049 Aliza Student
3050 Lianna Soriano Student
3051 Sophie Day Student
3052 Roma Gatela Parent
3053 Hannah Chookaszian Student
3054 Inaara Walji Student
3055 Brenda Betancourt Student
3056 Arti Jain Alumni
3057 Enrica Costello Faculty
3058 Shreya Tumma Alumni
3059 Engracia Cervantes Parent of student
3060 Calen Golden Alumni
3061 Iliana Sandoval Student
3062 Abbie Wong Student
3063 Claire Edelman Alumni
3064 Soledad Arguello Student
3065 Keegan Divine Alumni
3066 Dawn Sirois Staff
3067 Amanda Student
3068 Adison Downer student
3069 Elena Cornejo POLS Student
3070 Gina Wood Staff
3071 Ashlee Burt Staff
3072 Clara Klug Student
3073 Ana Isabel Cabezas Faculty
3074 Christa Hudson Student
3075 Jacquelyn Krisilas Student
3076 Humberto Zamora Student
3077 Anthony Gomez Alumni
3078 Bonnie Brown Student
3079 Cooper Bohley Student
3080 Lili Trevino Student
3081 Melanni Wiedrich Staff
3082 Dakota Emery Student
3083 Lisa Finnemore Parent
3084 Tim Dinh Student
3085 Miles Henry Student
3086 Julie sinclair Parent
3087 Terry Onuma parent
3088 Claire Hohimer Student
3089 Chloe Jane Wardrick Student
3090 Hannah Kommer Student
3091 Daisy Penaloza Student
3092 Robin Frodsham Student
3093 Jose Lozano Student
3094 Neal Liang Community Member
3095 Matt Carlton Faculty
3096 Joyi Larasari (Student)
3097 Max C. Student
3098 Myrrth Tariga Student
3099 Jen Carroll Faculty
3100 Hope Springer Student
3101 Claire Anderson Student
3102 Kaylee Scoggins Herring (Community Member)
3103 Cindy Wang Faculty
3104 Stan Tsikine Parent
3105 Gabrielle Werst Student
3106 Bailey Garrett Student
3107 Wesley Ahumada Newhart Student
3108 Erica Staff
3109 Tori McClelland Student
3110 Abigail Palompo Alumni
3111 Minwoo Park Student
3112 Sophia Clementi Student
3113 Tae Kim Student
3114 Tess Bartlett (Student)
3115 jack riddle student
3116 Misbah Mamoon Student
3117 Tara Naghibi Alumni
3118 Kenneth Taylor Student
3119 Rina Fujita Student
3120 Rebecca Gillis counselor/lecturer
3121 Kara Temena Student
3122 Grace Wallingford Student
3123 Lindsey Student
3124 Andrew Chan Student
3125 Daniella Dutcher Student
3126 Teresa Netro Student
3127 Lindsay Campbell Student
3128 William Shirefley Alumni
3129 Christie O'Hara Faculty
3130 Maria Garcia Student
3131 Isabelle Hung Student
3132 Adam G Faculty
3133 Jessica Student
3134 Danielle Hyde Student
3135 Howard Hayes Student
3136 Sandy Stannard Faculty
3137 Grant Robbins Faculty
3138 Greg MacDonald Alumni
3139 Walt Student
3140 Gracie Galindo Student
3141 Isabella Perez student
3142 Kathryn Vakili Student
3143 Frances Grace Battles Student
3144 Muntadher Murad Student
3145 Tanya L Alumni
3146 Reilly Salkowski Student
3147 Anna R Student
3148 Kaile Holzman Alumni
3149 Kayla Burke Student
3150 Sahib Dhaliwal Student
3151 Jessica Kaczorowski Faculty
3152 Bayden Yazalina Student
3153 Nathan Le Student
3154 Jedric Rosales Student
3155 Cassie Bondi Student
3156 Sonja Waitkus Community Member
3157 Jason B Alumni
3158 Grace Trenholme Student
3159 Nathan Yousefi Student
3160 Zachary Warner Student
3161 Stacy Gomez Student
3162 Paige Ross Student
3163 Henriette Schmuxk Student
3164 Amanda Dillen Local retired physician
3165 Signed Faculty
3166 Chad McCormick Student
3167 Ravneet Pannu Student
3168 Meryl Aebi Alumni
3169 Laurel Sweeny Community Member
3170 Jaden Husser Student
3171 Michelle Dimyan Student
3172 Edward Sweeny Alumni
3173 Maybelle Salanga Student
3174 Sophie Baye Alumni
3175 Maybelle Salanga Student
3176 Diane Brand Alumna
3177 Miles Esparza Student
3178 Hannah Survilas Student
3179 Aline Cullen Community Member
3180 Jerrod De La Torre Alumni
3181 Paige Sadler Student
3182 Hanna Lazkani Student
3183 Elan Valdez-Kaminsky Student
3184 Ryan Viswanathan Student
3185 Linda Ashworth Alumna and community member
3186 Annica Wu Student
3187 Brendan Cadigal Student
3188 Amena Atta Roalman Alumni
3189 Rose Smith Community member
3190 Gabriel Zachrich Alumni
3191 Lizbeth Juarez-Gutierrez Student
3192 Sophia Guzules Student
3193 Traci Hinshaw Student
3194 Matthew Wong Student
3195 Rowan Highfill Community Member
3196 Stephen Green Parent
3197 Ann Harwick-Green Parent
3198 Theresa Mulvihill Community Member
3199 John Brode Student
3200 Ashley L. Staff
3201 Stanley Leung Student
3202 Hannah Bielcik Student
3203 Quentin Monasterial Student
3204 Ting Ting Wu Community Member and Fellow Teaching Colleague
3205 Kaeden Pucci Student
3206 Alex Tolas Alumni
3207 Anthony Morin Student
3208 Morgan Wilkie (Student)
3209 Estee Cohen Parent
3210 Mady Frei Staff/student
3211 Caitlin Nguyen Student
3212 Mia Manfredi Student
3213 Andrew Luong Student
3214 Ian Pratt Student
3215 Nikki Arm Student & Employee
3216 Brynnan Kaufmann Student
3217 Barrett Lo Student
3218 Alexander Ameri Student
3219 Nika Mahdavi Student
3220 Emily Lounds Student
3221 Jasmine Bramble Student
3222 Nicholas Krog Student
3223 Jenny Tran Community Member
3224 Prisila Johnson Staff emeritus
3225 Joel Demir Community member
3226 Nicole green Mother of student
3227 Pete Phillips Community Member
3228 Barbod Nikzad Student
3229 Mira Mohan Student
3230 Bryan Esparza (Parent)
3231 S Kaufmann Community member
3232 Debbie Au Parent
3233 Lisa V. Student
3234 Julia Huynh Student
3235 Carleigh Ornelas Student & Employee
3236 Jake Taylor Student
3237 Thomas Symon Parent of Student
3238 Denvir Higgins Student
3239 Lyndsey Mott Student
3240 Yolanda Neal Family of staff member
3241 Daisy Gonzalez Student
3242 Bryce Jenkin Faculty
3243 Brent Taira Parent
3244 Keri Gorsage Parent of current student
3245 Madison Gorsage Student
3246 Venessa Rodriguez Alumni
3247 Alyssa Taylor Student
3248 Lolly Tolan Community Member
3249 Kaitlyn Washington (Student)
3250 Nicole Miller Student
3251 Jorge Gonzalez Community member
3252 Jay Patel Student
3253 Philip Hu Student
3254 Kevlin Husser Parent of current Cal Poly Student
3255 Howard Smith Student
3256 Haoyan Chi Faculty
3257 Sarah Navias Student
3258 Ben Hunter Student
3259 Maggie Yang Student
3260 Asher Wenig Alumni
3261 Neima Yeganeh Alumni
3262 Martine Lappé Faculty
3263 Natalie Wagner Alum
3264 Stephen Caufield Student
3265 Christopher Gix Alumni
3266 James Martinez Student
3267 Mackenzie Grossgold alumnus
3268 Zen Husser Parent of Current Cal Poly Student
3269 Kylee Nielsen Student
3270 Alexander Amundsen Student
3271 Izze Student
3272 Jayaditya Sisodia Student
3273 William Terlinden Student
3274 Adelle Wilkin Student
3275 Maria Garcia Parent of Student and Community Member
3276 Brienne Berger student
3277 Kaston Wong Student
3278 Yadira Reyes Parent
3279 Ligia Manuela Taylor Parent
3280 Kaitlyn Tan Community member
3281 Augustine Vu Student
3282 Simran Bhatti Community Member
3283 Ryan Timothy Yu Student
3284 Gabriella Rodriguez Esparza Community Member
3285 Kelly Ohata Student
3286 Tyrone Jenkins Student
3287 Ozzy Banks Community Member
3288 Clara Crittenden Student
3289 Mario Espinoza-Kulick Alumni
3290 Vance Winstead Student
3291 Dillon Behling Student
3292 Richard Saenz Professor Emeritus
3293 Maya Lavorando Student
3294 Hannah Rauh Student
3295 Clothilde Roux Student
3296 Mary Ellen Gibson An "at risk" appalled Community Member.
3297 Beatriz Rosas Student
3298 Rita I. Mendoza Parent
3299 Julissa Rosas Alumni
3300 Hadley Klein Alumni, community member
3301 Pamela Pacheco Student
3302 Natalie Cheung Student
3303 Virginia Gordon Parent
3304 Alan Gordon Community member
3305 Ashik Islam Student
3306 Sophia Hsuan Student
3307 Jose Sanchez Student
3308 Caroline Koddenberg Student
3309 Alan Villanueva Student
3310 Leydi Cortes Staff
3311 Alexandra McCabe Student
3312 Gloria Perez Student
3313 Rashmi Pradhan Student
3314 Jay Rodriguez Student
3315 Nathan Le Student
3316 Kyle Abundo Family Member
3317 Alex Nguyen Community Member
3318 Russell Tice Professor Emeritus
3319 Yu-Shun Hsiao Student
3320 Santiago Robles Student
3321 Lynn Behling Parent
3322 Jodi Jaques Professor Emeritus
3323 Vanissa Salinas Student
3324 Emily Henderson Student
3325 May and Paul Gauvin Parent
3326 Rosslyn Lyell Student
3327 Gabrielle Low Student
3328 Bree Hugins staff
3329 Morgan Weinberg Student
3330 Charles Petranek Staff
3331 Kelly Main Faculty
3332 Raleigh Elbert Student
3333 Teresa Brogno Community Member
3334 Benjamin Chu Student
3335 William Daniels Student
3336 Jackson Miller Student
3337 Sarah Ford Community member
3338 Erin Pearse Faculty
3339 Richard and Prisila Johnson Community Members
3340 Payton Southwick Student
3341 Pouono Faaagi student
3342 Jackie Student
3343 Signed Staff
3344 Iana Padilla Student
3345 John F Beresford Parent
3346 Stephanie Enzminger (Student)
3347 Adam Student
3348 Madison Ferris student
3349 Vincent smith Student
3350 Ella Polischeck Student
3351 Parthiv Seetharaman Student
3352 Amanda Sirois Student
3353 Matthias Berry Student
3354 Richard Padilla ( parent) Parent
3355 Smith Community Member
3356 Jasmine Plasencia (Student)
3357 Mari Padilla Parent
3358 Joseph Ragsdale Faculty
3359 Natalie delos Santos Student
3360 Maya Pruett Student
3361 Magdalen Wells Student
3362 Brenda Tamayo Student
3363 Thomas Student
3364 Sallie Weatherford Alumnus
3365 Sofia Padoan Student
3366 Allison Sosa Student
3367 Myles Adams Student
3368 Victor Lopatyuk Student
3369 kit gould community member and spouse of faculty
3370 Paul Brylewski Staff
3371 Casey Mathews (Student)
3372 Jesus Velasquez Student
3373 Graham Archer Faculty
3374 Elliott Delapre Student
3375 Lila Roake Student
3376 Seth Santa Maria Student
3377 Suzanne Parkhurst Parent
3378 Bryan Browne Parent
3379 Samay Nathani Student
3380 Breno Sader Student
3381 Vaniya Khan Student
3382 Marlen Reyes Student
3383 Odile Ayral Faculty emeritus
3384 Lillian Ryan (Student)
3385 Noah Chalfin Counselor Faculty
3386 Elijah L. Student
3387 Mandy Tran student
3388 April Mills Student
3389 Samuel Wathen Student
3390 Haley Titone Student
3391 Kory Byquist Student
3392 Brooke Smith Student
3393 Saba Jafroodi Student
3394 diankui zhang student
3395 Evan Gabbard Student
3396 Maddy Ansbro Student
3397 Gurpreet Singh Parent
3398 Edie Brown union president
3399 Deirdre O’Connor Parent
3400 Alexandra Gregorio Student
3401 Ethan Dea student
3402 Regan Grieves Student
3403 Ashley Lang Student
3404 Emma Goudy (Student)
3405 Benjamin Richardson Student
3406 Maggie Barr Student
3407 Linden Nelson Faculty Emeritus, Community member
3408 Katelyn Snodgrass Student
3409 Kate V. Staff
3410 Vanessa Yafai Student
3411 Joshua Ramos Student
3412 Malia Weingarten Student
3413 Misaki Tanabe Student
3414 John Rivera (Student)
3415 Mieko Oda Student
3416 Jennifer Hernandez Student
3417 Theo Philliber Student
3418 Abby West student
3419 Sofia Dias Student
3420 Nardy Delgado Student
3421 Karla Arteaga Student
3422 Nathan Knepple Student
3423 Melanie Torres community member
3424 Jumeika Lopez-Arteaga Student
3425 Chianna Davia Student
3426 Alma Gama Staff
3427 Fiona R Student
3428 Debora Schwartz Faculty
3429 Alisa Krasilnikov Student
3430 Emeline Robbins Student
3431 Lily Brown Student
3432 Bruce Ritter Student
3433 Jack Student
3434 Kayla Gowey Student
3435 Anthony Nguyen Student
3436 Kyle Liang Student
3437 Miki Maxey Parent
3438 Jared Nwanagu Community Member
3439 Zoe Kelemen Student
3440 George Stewart Faculty Emeritus,Alumni, Community Member
3441 Oliver Barnaal Student
3442 Kathleen Stewart Alumni, Community Member
3443 Nina Bujewski Student
3444 Karlee Nakamura Student
3445 Alex Philyaw Student
3446 Matthew Armas Staff
3447 Sandy Ing Student
3448 Erin McLoughlin Parent
3449 Sam Anbarcioglu Parent
3450 Maren Bernier Community Member
3451 Natalie Sanchez Community Member
3452 Mano chidambaram Parent
3453 Rosemary Wrenn Faculty
3454 cholliday Student
3455 Gabriela Huizar Student
3456 Beatriz Huizar Parent
3457 Christine Ngo (student)
3458 Joshua Pratt Student
3459 Alex Liu Student
3460 Brandon Goldflam Student
3461 Gericho Tamayo Student
3462 Keara McCall Community Member
3463 Dude S. H. Long Student
3464 Matthew Laurean Student
3465 Beatriz Huizar Parent
3466 Erick Alvarez Student
3467 Mason Rosser Student
3468 Mau Arona Parent
3469 James Arona Student
3470 Ponciano Anclote, jr Grandparent of a student
3471 Kyra Arona Sister of a student
3472 Eleanor McCall Student
3473 An Pham Student
3474 Luis Estevez Student
3475 Bryant Benitez Student
3476 Amber Williams Faculty
3477 Mackenzie Student
3478 Jenny Huang Student
3479 Megan Garcia Student
3480 Zachary Student
3481 Jesselyn Chuong Student
3482 Avi McManus Student
3483 Jennifer Student
3484 Michael Haskell Staff
3485 Kaylie Garcia Concerned sibling
3486 Kyleigh Borje Alumni
3487 Ally Family
3488 Quincy Morgan Alumni
3489 Mikayla Koning Student
3490 Alec Gregg Student
3491 Chris Melcher Student
3492 Sophia Student
3493 N. Tobias Student
3494 Dihan Lin student
3495 Melissa Dutton Staff/student
3496 Madeline Forgey Student
3497 Drew Kostelecky Student
3498 Haylee Smythe Community Member
3499 Josh Kim Community Member
3500 Kyle Student
3501 Debra Chen (Parent)
3502 Janalyn Lao Student
3503 Gracie Tedone Manderscheid Alumni, parent of two alumni, sister of four alumni, aunt of four alumni
3504 Rebecca Robbins Parent
3505 Aarmon Euwing Student
3506 Jordan Klein Student
3507 Jack Sweeney Student
3508 David Jaeger Student
3509 Stephanie Tang (Student)
3510 Megan Lambertz-Berndt Faculty
3511 Zahra Attarwala Student
3512 Olivia Weinbaum Alumni
3513 Chris Bae Student
3514 Maggie Nevrly Alumni
3515 Danielle Camarillo Student
3516 Quinn Casey Student
3517 Caitlin Mack Student
3518 Carlee Peterson Friend of Student
3519 Kristen Cramer Student
3520 Shreeya Negi Student
3521 Sarah Richelieu Student
3522 Marie-Christine Mahe Community Member, friend of staff members, faculty and students
3523 Jonathan Pineda Student
3524 Nancy Orpilla Parent & Alumni
3525 Ila Moncrief Student
3526 Mayra Juarez student
3527 Iris McLean Student
3528 Julia Cannon Student
3529 Kelly K Student
3530 Ed Himelblau Faculty
3531 Matthew Borin Student
3532 Amara Zabback Student
3533 Dane Dormedy Student
3534 Conrad Kinsey Student
3535 Neil Slavick Student
3536 Tiffany Kwapnoski Staff
3537 Julia Franzmann Student
3538 Hannah M Community member
3539 Lydia Keema Staff
3540 Lika Pasurishvili Student
3541 Noah Ravetch Student
3542 Jakob Frabosilio Student
3543 Sarahi Gonzalez Ramirez Staff
3544 Garrett Grossner Student, Faculty
3545 Savio Chan Staff
3546 Nishanth Narayan Student
3547 Sabine Lerner Student
3548 Abe Lamontagne Student
3549 Heather Leis Staff & Student
3550 Courtney Sabile Craig Staff
3551 Kevin Henderson Student
3552 Marlene Escobedo Student
3553 Kaelyn Bremer Student
3554 Rachel Alumni
3555 Audrey Lariz Alumni & Community Member
3556 Ashley Santiago Student
3557 Cade Liberty Student
3558 Meileen Yee Student
3559 Shelly Landers Staff
3560 Maddie Fryer Student, On Campus COVID Lab Assistant
3561 Megan Trieu Student
3562 Maddie Karduna Student
3563 Justin Cross Parent of Student
3564 Miguel Perez Student
3565 Kotomi Saito Student
3566 Adriana Amaya Student
3567 Luyin Deng Alumni
3568 Eileen Akin Staff
3569 Erin wong Student
3570 Eve Fine Staff
3572 Annie Xiong Staff
3573 Judy Mitchell Staff
3574 Nina Jolic Parent
3575 Dawin Whiten Staff
3576 Nicole Milling student
3577 Matilda Bunchongchitr Staff and Student
3578 Katriana Beard Student
3579 Lauren Utterback Staff
3580 Emily Granger Student
3581 Alexandra Ogar Student and Employee
3582 Marlon Gomez Student
3583 Amanda Tejeda Student
3584 Mia Venturini Student
3585 Christine Seely Staff
3586 Lizza Demsetz Faculty
3587 Rosa Castillo Student’s Family
3588 Ana Martinez Parent
3589 Annika Dean Student
3590 Ameera McQueen Alumni
3591 Kimberli Andridge Counselor Faculty
3592 Catherine Pullan Staff
3593 Kai Gunaratna Student
3594 Tao Yang Faculty
3595 Madeline Ropp Student
3596 Anya Goodman Faculty
3597 Taylor Laney Student
3598 Sarah Park Faculty
3599 Juliette Sells Student
3600 Angelica Tejeda Student’s Family
3601 Nigel petitioner
3602 Mi-Young Lew (Alumni and Community Member)
3603 Jade Moreno staff
3604 Melanie Barbee Alumni
3605 Joshua Kannankunni Student
3606 Sai M (Student)
3607 Aidan Hughes Student
3608 Mrinalini kesar Student’s Family
3609 Harrison Kirk Alumni
3610 Marcos Castro Student
3611 Raymond Tseng Student
3612 Jonathan karpf Emeritus Lecturer
3613 Katie Cooper Student
3614 Genesis Acosta Student
3615 Ryan N Student
3616 Nancy Lagunas Alumni
3617 Meghan O'Donnell Faculty
3618 Joshua Bolt Engel Student
3619 Mark Pappanduros Student
3620 Anna Maria Prunicki Student
3621 Mary Prunicki Parent
3622 McKenna Williamson Student
3623 Joshua Whitney Student
3624 Lakshmanan Muthukaruppan Student
3625 Jenna wayland Student
3626 Michelle Chandler (student)
3627 Sara Henkemeyer student
3628 Crystal Bradshaw Community member
3629 Briel Eckel Student
3630 Sean Lariz Community Member
3631 German Ellsworth Student
3632 Sarah Soloway Student
3633 Christopher W Student
3634 Yasmin Ochoa Student
3635 Yoav Hessler Student
3636 Lewis Tawney Student
3637 Shane Meadows-Yaw Student
3638 Kayla Henderson Student
3639 Luis Herrera-Delgado Student
3640 Kendra Aronson Alumni + Community Member
3641 Celeste Gonzalez Student
3642 Savannah Cheney Student, Resident Advisor
3643 Haylie Tallon Student
3644 Sara Kreowski Community Member
3645 Josh Ashby Business owner/community member
3646 Paige Bartel Alumni & Community Member
3647 Jess Howell Student
3648 Patrick Ong Student
3649 Wing Fung Wu Student
3650 Kyra Soares Alumna
3651 Mio Nakagawa Student
3652 Viet Nguyen Alumnus
3653 Keisha Cannon Staff
3654 Yun Ei Hlaing Student
3655 Christina Thielman Student
3656 Ofer Barr Student
3657 Min Hset Hlaing Student
3658 Evan Pomeroy Student
3659 Elsa Micklin Student
3660 Elizabeth Wilson Student
3661 Troy Wilson Parent
3662 Brittany Wiley Faculty, alumni
3663 Inara Siuza-Sader Parent
3664 Lillian Wilson Sibling
3665 Owen Student
3666 Sadie Cooper Student
3667 Quentin yamasaki Student
3668 Nathan Giannini Student
3669 Alex Schwartz student
3670 Ashley Turcott Alumni
3671 Max Varverakis Student
3672 Kim Busby Alumni
3673 Gagandeep Thapar Student
3674 Jennifer Jaing (Student)
3675 Ashley Lee Parent
3676 Eun Lee Parent
3677 Zakia Rashad Parent
3678 Cristina Student
3679 Abigail Peterson Lifelong resident
3680 Autumn Ebner Student, Staff
3681 Serena Chow Student
3682 Wendy Chow Parent
3683 Ed chow Parent
3684 Janice Loo Parent
3685 Ken Loo Parent
3686 Eren Salyer Friend of Student, Student at CSUB
3687 Ciaran Webster Student
3688 Genna Vieira Student
3689 Sammie Student
3690 Ashlie Pak Student
3691 Sara Sexton Student
3692 David Yu Student
3693 Sun Lee Immunocompromised Student
3694 Ron Friedman Parent
3695 Riya Sardal Student
3696 Abby Weizer Student
3697 Emily Olstad Student
3698 John Doe Community Member
3699 Stephanie Estrada Student
3700 Zoe Dascalos (Alumni, Community Member)
3701 Brianna Chase Community Member
3702 Annaliese Gutierrez Student
3703 Jackson Allen Worried sibling
3704 Christopher Pablo Casillas Student
3705 Jake Garner Graduate Student
3706 Manuel Saenz Student
3707 Leyla Cabugos Faculty
3708 Panthil Patel Student
3709 Jin Friedman Parent
3710 Nikki Maraviglia Alumni
3711 Harini Govind Student
3712 David Nyberg Student
3713 Anahi Diaz Student
3714 Delaney Kellen Student
3715 Brandon Schmiedeberg Alumni, Community Member
3716 Tayler Kang Student
3717 Enrica Costello Faculty
3718 Luciano Cortese (Student)
3719 Sophia Blair Associate
3720 Nikki L Student
3721 Ruth Pallais Community member
3722 Tula Pitcher Alumni
3723 Carlos Mendez Student
3724 Hannya Moritz Student
3725 Nicole Estrada Student
3726 Juana moya Community Member
3727 Norma Barratt Community Member
3728 Bailey Hart Student
3729 Ian Ma Student

[1] Jeffrey Armstrong. 2022. "Reminder of Cal Poly Winter Plans." email.
[2] SLO County Public Health. 2022. “ New Health Officer Order Replaces Individual Isolation/Quarantine Orders as Cases Surge.”
[3] Mackenzie Shuman. 2022. "Cal Poly Sees Surge in COVID Cases as Many Classes Start Winter Quarter Online." SLO Tribune.
[4] Jeffrey Armstrong. 2022. "Important Update on Masks." email.
[5] Omar Rashad. 2022. "Cal Poly is Isolating COVID-Positive Students in Off-Campus Hotels." Mustang News.
[6] Mackenzie Shuman. 2022. "COVID Spike Hits Cal Poly with 2-hour Testing Lines, Shortage of Isolation Space." SLO Tribune.
[9] "COVID Spike."
[10] CFA-SLO. 2022. "Cal Poly Faculty Take the Lead on Providing a Safe Return to Campus." Press Release.
[11] “Covid Spike.”
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