Games Gathering
Dear Ukrainian game developers. The largest video game event in the Baltics is coming back. We had to pause our game due to pandemics and other global challenges, but this year we're coming back and we would love to support and promote Ukrainian games at our show.
Studio website (or store page): *
Studio name: *
Name of the studio representative for contact: *
1 point
Phone: *
1 point
Title of the submitted game (you can submit up to 3): *
Short description of the game (for our web and social campaigns): *
Recommended hardware to showcase your game:
If it's PC or a mobile device, please write down recommended system specifications.
If it's a console, please list all consoles that would work.
Every PC will be supplied with a monitor, Keyboard and mouse, if your game needs additional screens, controllers, etc. Please mention it.
Will you be sending us any merchandise, goodies, promotional materials? 
Would you like us to manufacture promotional materials for you?
Will you need a free business ticket for the event?
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