Boost Your College Application: Tailored Internships for High School Students


We are creating a service to help high school students find valuable internships. As college admissions become more competitive, relevant internship experience can enhance applications. Our service matches internships to each student's unique skills and interests. Your feedback will help us meet your needs. This survey takes 5-10 minutes. Thank you!

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Are you a:
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What grade are you (or your child) currently in?
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Have you (or your child) ever applied for an internship before?

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If yes, how did you (or your child) find the previous internship(s)? (Select all that apply)

How hard do you find the process of searching and applying for internships?

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Would you be interested in a service that helps high school students find and apply for internships?
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What features would you value most in an internship placement service? (Select all that apply)

How important is it for the internship to align with the student's skills and interests?

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How much would you be willing to pay for an internship placement service?

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Preferred payment option:
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What challenges have you (or your child) faced when searching for internships? (Open-ended response)

What additional services or features would you like to see in an internship placement service? (Open-ended response)

Email if interested in participating in online focus group (15-20 minutes):
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