CCSD Grievance Policy and Procedures
Clear Creek School District
PO Box 3399
320 Hwy 103
Idaho Springs, CO  80452
303-567-3861 (fax)
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Section I:  Student Information
Was a student involved? *
Students Name*
Students Grade
Students Address *
Please include your city and state
Students Home Phone *
Section II:  Complainant Information
Complainant Name *
Complainant Address *
Please include your city and state
Complainant Home Phone
Complainant Cell Phone
Complainant Email Address
Please indicate whether you are: *
Section III:  Allegation Information
Date of Grievance
Site of alleged violation
Please choose the District or School you wish to register a grievance about: *
Subject of Complaint
Please choose all that apply
Violation of law or regulation governing the following program(s):
Please check all that apply
Please describe the specific nature of your complaint, in detail, including the date (s), name(s) of people, CCSD policies *
What documents do you belive should be reviewed regarding this allegation?
Letters from the school, student evaluations ect that you believe will assist in clarifying or verifying the violation.
What would you like to see changed? *
Did you submit to CCSD any documentation?  If yes, in which form?
By typing my name in the box below I am electronically signing this form. *
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