BHS-Sponsored BFAN Fund Request
This form is to be used by BHS-SPONSORED TEAMS
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Today's Date
Name of Team *
Name of Representative *
Representative's Email Address *
Amount Requested *
Life expectancy of item(s)
Number of students to benefit *
Describe what the requested funds will provide and how the total amount of the request was calculated (name of website, catalog, etc.). *
What funding has the group done to finance the item(s)?  BFAN funds are to offset or bridge the difference between what a program, item or event costs.  What was the amount that was raised? *
Name and contact information of person or persons responsible for ensuring proper maintenance or storage of funded  purchase (if applicable).
How will the item(s) funded be used to ensure greatest possible benefit?  For example, can the item(s) be shared with other sports or activities?
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