All Hallows' Eve          Waiting List
This form is for potential players who wish to be placed on the waiting list for All Hallows' Eve: A Second Chance LRP

This is an 18+ game; tickets will not be sold to anyone under 18 years of age.

After submitting this form, you will be placed on the waiting list for tickets.
Due to more ticket sign-ups than available player spaces, you will only receive a ticket in the event that a space becomes available. You will be informed of this via a confirmation e-mail, which will include ticket payment information.

Those who signed up using the original Expression of Interest form prior to February 1st but did not receive a ticket in the ticket lottery will be allocated tickets first in the event of player spaces becoming available.
Those using this form to sign up after February 1st will then be allocated player spaces should these players dropout or not wish to attend. The waiting list will be worked through in chronological order.

If a ticket becomes available to you, payments must be made within 10 days of receiving the confirmation e-mail, otherwise the player space may be allocated elsewhere. This does not mean you cannot re-apply for a ticket; a new submission of this form will place you back on the waiting list.
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Name *
Facebook Name (if different)
E-mail Address *
Dietary Requirements *
Do You Have Any Allergies or Intolerances?
Do You Have Any Disabilities, Health Conditions, or Other Accessibility Needs?
1st Choice of Spirit  *
2nd Choice of Spirit  *
Would You Only Be Able to Attend if Another Player / Other Players also Attended? (Please Give Their Name/s)
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