National Kids Spelling Bee 2020
Sunday, March 8, 2020; 2 p.m.
Bay Shore Church, Long Beach, Calif.
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Email *
First Name and Last Name *
Phonetic spelling (if unusual name)
Parents' names *
Phone *
School and school's city/state *
Grade *
Speller's City/State *
How many times have you been in this Bee? *
Age on March 8, 2020 *
How will you pay?  • $10 if received on or before Saturday, Feb. 8 • $20 if received before Sunday, March 8 • $30 if received on event day. No refunds. *
Waiver: This form serves to grant the organizers of the competition permission to use my (and my child's) voice, likeness and/or image in conjunction with this event and future events.  I release the organizers and volunteers, the National Adult Spelling Bee, the Community Action Team (CAT), Justin Rudd, and Bay Shore Church from any responsibility concerning my/my child's participation in this event and/or appearance on television, radio, the Internet and/or print.  I have read and understand the rules of this competition at and will abide by them.  No refunds.  No transfers. *
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