Fauxmagerie Zengarry Zenbassador Program
Passionate about our delicious, dairy-free cheeses and sharing with others how enjoyable plant-based eating can be? If so, we have just the right opportunity for you!

We are on the look out for talented movers and shakers in the plant-savvy food and living space. Together with creators like yourself that have a drive to inspire others, we are on a mission to grow a community of plant-based enthusiasts, share culinary tips, spread the word about our delicious products and show the world what life is like when we #AddALittleZen!  

Sign up for the opportunity to join our all-new team of brand ambassadors, "Zenbassadors" if you will! Please fill out the form below to introduce yourself to our Marketing team. We review all applications on a quarterly basis. If we think that we could be a great fit together, we'll reach out!

Have a question? Send us an email at media@zengarry.com
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
What is your name? *
What is your email address? *
Which city/ town in Canada do you live in? *
Which platforms are your currently active on? Select all that apply. *
Please share the link to a social media account or website of yours that you'd love for us to take a look at RIGHT NOW: *
What topics do you share content about on social media? Select all that apply. *
Have you tried Fauxmagerie Zengarry products before? *
What best describes you? Select all that apply. *
What would you be hoping to gain from being a part of the Fauxmagerie Zengarry Ambassador Program and online creator community? *
Did we miss anything? Tell us anything else that you’d like to share about yourself!
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