4th F Weekend
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Email *
Thurs, May 19 (evening) through Sat, May 21 (afternoon)
Johnston Woods,
298 Brymer Creek Road
McDonald TN 37353

All food, lodging,  and activities included
Your Legal Name *
Your F3 Name
Your T Shirt Size *
First Kid's name *
First Kid's Age *
Second Kid's Name
Second Kid's Age
Third Kid's Name
Third Kid's Age
More Kids? Text or Slack DM WuzntMe.
Cell: 423.284.5943
What activities are you most interested in?
If other, lemme know what you're interested in doing...
Once you submit, please Venmo Wuz to secure your spot.
150 for you, 150 for first kid, 90 for each kid after.
So, if you're bringing you and three kids, it's $480 (150+150+90+90)
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