LWNYC Volunteer Application
Little Wanderers NYC is an all volunteer-based organization. We could not continue our life-saving efforts without the help of dedicated volunteers and are always in need for more volunteers! We have several ways to get involved which are listed below. Since we do not have a physical shelter, volunteer work can be done remotely as well there are many opportunities for hands on work! When applying, please ensure you are dedicated and able to allocate your time to the organization. Thank you again for your support and wanting to be apart of the Little Wanderers community and family!
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First and Last Name *
Email *
Best Contact Number *
Tell us why you would like to get involved *
Have you ever volunteered with any other organizations before? If yes, please tell us the organization and what work you did with them. *
Explain your skill level and experience you have had with cats in the past? (savvy cat lovers are wonderful, but so are new cat lovers) *
On average, how much time do you have a week to spend volunteering with LWNYC? *
Are you TNR certified? *
Please let us know what volunteers roles you may be interested in (select multiple, if they interest you). Upon joining the team, we will walk you through an on-boarding process. *
After reviewing the volunteer role options, you are dedicated to allocate the time needed to help us save more lives? *
Provide at least 1 personal reference along with their email and best contact number. Please ensure they are outside of your immediate family. *
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