Unit 4: Advertisement
Paper 11 Mass Media and Communication
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1.)Advertisement appear for the first time in print in _ India's first newspaper (weekly). *
1 point
2.) Earliest Indian Advertising began with the _ *
1 point
3.)Horlicks becomes the first 'malted milk' to be  _ on 5th June 1883. *
1 point
4.)Patent means A grant made by a government that confers upon the creator of an invention the sole right to make, use, and sell that invention for a set period of time on 5th June 1883. *
1 point
5.)In 1905 _ was the first Indian advertising agency opened  in Girgaum in Bombay *
1 point
6.)Which are the main features of advertising? *
1 point
7.)In _Advertising Marketing came to be recognized. *
1 point
8.) Select the correct benefits of advertisement for consumer. *
1 point
9.)Which are the various media for Advertising? *
1 point
10.)Advertising uses different _ as a way of persuading people to buy certain products. *
1 point
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