Science at Cal Speaker Suggestions
Science at Cal welcome UC Berkeley speakers from a variety of disciplines, STEM and related fields, and career levels, including graduate students, postdocs, researchers, lecturers, faculty, and emeritus.

As a part of our strong commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, all of Science at Cal’s events are free and open to the public. In addition, all of their programs are designed to engage and excite the public, so lectures are typically lively, fun, and elicit meaningful conversation.

If you know of anyone who would be a good fit for their stage, please fill out this speaker suggestion form. Feel free to forward this to your colleagues, lab groups, student groups, etc.

We welcome self-nominations.

More information about our programs can be found here:
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Speaker's Name(s) and Department(s) (separate entries with commas) *
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E.g., suggestions for which series you are nominating speakers for, links to research pages or prior talks, explanation for why you think this person would be a good fit, etc.
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