Verbal and Nonverbal Cues in an Interview
This lesson was taken from the Power for Youth Worksheet #18 and aligned to ALS Learning Strand 1: Communication Skills.
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Desired Competency
Interpret verbal and nonverbal cues in conversations or oral presentations such as tone of voice, facial expression, or body language
Learning Intent
a. Identify the main parts of an interview
b. Recognize tips to keep in mind while being interviewed
Value Emphasis
Purposeful and responsive communication with a sense of interdependence amidst diversity
For ALS Teacher's Reference
These competencies were mapped against:
-ALS 2.0 Curriculum: LS1CS/EN-S-PSB-JHS-79: Use appropriate verbal and non-verbal when developing, maintaining, and ending cues, conversations, dialogs, speech, and interviews
-MYDEV Module No. 4: Work Habits and Conduct. Session No. 1. Activity No. 3
Mindanao Youth for Development Project. (2016). Module 1: Work habits and conduct facilitator’s manual, MyDevLife skills curriculum, pp. 18-21
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