MHRR Custody Transfer Form*

The Custody Transfer Form is only to be filled out after you have been told that we have availability to take your rabbit.

If you are looking to SURRENDER your pet you must fill out a WAIT LIST FORM first, the custody transfer form responses are NOT monitored for urgent requests, this form should only be filled out after you or some who is trying to rehome the pet on your behalf have been in communication with a volunteer in regards to surrendering. Please see: for more more information on how to start the process of surrendering your pet.

Magic Happens does NOT require a “surrender fee” for taking in animals – we are here to help them find a new home regardless.  Spay/neuter surgeries for the bunnies are one of our biggest expenses, so sponsoring a rabbit spay or neuter ($35) for an unaltered rabbit is very helpful, but certainly not required.

Information about the surrendered pet is requested for several reasons:
To know his/her routine so we can prevent stress by continuing it.
To know its preferences so we can find the best matching foster home as well as new home.
To know the background information so we may relay it to the new owner.
Please fill out what you know in as much detail as possible.

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Your Name *
Email *
Phone number *
Address (include city & state) *
Which is the preferred method for us to contact you? *
Are you at least 18 years of age? *
Do you want the adopter of this pet to have your contact information? *
Are you the owner of this pet? *
Is this a found pet? *
If this is a found pet, when & where was it found?
If this is a found pet, what attempts have been made to find an owner?
How long have you had this pet? *
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