Carlynton School District Special Education Parent Training Needs Assessment
Needs assessment to assist in development of relevant parent trainings
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Email *
Name (Optional)
Number of children in special education programs? *
With regards to your child/children in the special education program, what school(s) does he/she/they attend? *
What is your child's primary disability? *
Which best represents your child's current placement? *
Please address the following statements *
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
N/A - Not applicable
I have been given and understand information about the IEP process.
I have had the opportunity to contribute to the development of my child's IEP and feel valued as a team member.
I understand my rights as a parent of a child who receives special education.
I know about assistive technology and/or the augmentative communication device that my child uses during the day.
I understand the components of my child's transition plan, for children over 14 years old, including the post-secondary goals.
I have access to information about community agencies that assist children and families after graduation.
I have been given information about my child's educational needs/disability.
I have used the district website to gain information about special education resources for families.
I feel services provided are sufficient to meet my child's needs.
My child's goals reflect his/her specific needs.
I am satisfied with how my child's progress towards IEP goals is reported to me.
The modifications/accomodations my child receives are sufficient to support his/her performance.
I am satisfied with the progress my child is making given supports from special education services.
My child's classroom teacher(s) is/are aware of my child's needs and knowledgeable about my child.
If I had a concern about my child's program or progress, I am comfortable approaching staff members to discuss the issues.
The special education services and programs that are provided to my child meet my expectations. 
I am provided with sufficient information regarding any related services (e.g. speech, occupational therapy, physical therapy, etc.) that my child requires to be successful in school.
Overall I am very satisfied with my child's special education services.
Are you aware that the Carlynton School District's  Special Education and Pupil Services offers parent training on various topics? *
Have you attended a parent training in the past? *
If you answered no to the previous question, why did you not attend? (please select all applicable) *
Please check any areas that you are interested in learning more about: *
The best time for me to attend a workshop is: *
I would need the following accommodations to particpate: *
The best way to notify me about parent training opportunities: *
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