FMA-FLL Event Registration 2024-25
This section refers to all the things you or your coaches need to do to prepare for the season.  It is here to remind them what they need to read to get ready to be eligible to register and participate.

Required Readings
As the submitter please enter your email address. You will receive a copy of this request when it is completed. 
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Email *
I understand that we are operating in "Official Mode" *
Any data entered will be used to register my teams for the 2024-25 FLL Season. 
I have read the Required Readings *
I agree that I have accessed the FMA-FLL Team Info pages. I have read and understand all the Coaches Required Reading that pertains to my team's program (Explore or Challenge) materials.
I have read the FMA-FLL Participation and Registration Process Document *
I agree that I have read and accept the terms and conditions as outlined in the  FMA-FLL Participation and Registration Process Document  posted in the Coaches Required Reading section on my FLL Program. 

Warning: If you do not understand the process you may not get the event you want!!!! 
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