Baseline EfS Survey (School Level)
GreenFutures ( is a five-year sustainability plan that was created by District staff and stakeholders with a common goal: to make public schools great and green. This plan is an offshoot of Action Plan 3.0 and it aims to make every school a green school that will better serve our students and communities. GreenFutures is made up of five sections: Education for Sustainability (EfS) [], Consumption & Waste, Energy & Efficiencies, School Greenscapes and Healthy Schools, Healthy Living.

As the District strives to support learning for sustainability for all segments of the school community, including students, teachers, staff, administration, families and the community, it is just as important to encourage these groups to take action that furthers sustainability in ways that are relevant and appropriate to their roles.
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This survey was created to help determine what schools are doing as we begin the work of the GreenFutures plan, specifically in the EfS section.  Please answer these questions to the best of your knowledge based on what is happening at your school.  There will be a section at the end to provide information regarding your specific classroom.

The GreenFutures EfS Mission Statement consists of three goals:

1. Integrate K­12 curriculum, instruction and assessment with EfS standards.

2.  Cultivate administrative practices and policies that support EfS throughout the District.

3. Strengthen and expand school, family and community engagement so as to enrich EfS.

Thank you for taking a few minutes out of your schedules to answer the following questions.  

First Name
Last Name
School Name *
Please check the appropriate boxes that apply to your school regarding EfS Curriculum Integration:
Please check the appropriate box that applies to your school's "State of Change" for EfS:
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My school uses one or more of the following Instructional Practices that support EfS (Please check all that apply)
My school uses one or more of the following Placed Based Education practices that support EfS. (Please check all that apply).
If "Other" was selected, please describe the  practice(s) below.
My school provides one or more of the following Student Leadership opportunities that support EfS (Please check all that apply):
My school has a strategic plan, policies and practices in place to drive, monitor and evaluate short and long term sustainability education and green building, operations and maintenance efforts?
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Please check the appropriate boxes that apply to your school regarding Human Resources, Faculty and Staff Support Systems for EfS:
Please check the current leadership model for EfS in your school:
Please check the level to which your school partners with local community-based groups to provide service learning opportunities, project based and place based learning opportunities, internships and mentorships for our students
1 being low and 5 being high
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Please check the level to which your school community, including students, learns and works with local community-based groups on collaborative sustainable community development projects and/or joint green team initiatives.
1 being low and 5 being high
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Please check the level to which your school authentically integrates parents, community members, volunteers, other district staff/departments into sustainability education curriculum efforts.
1 being low and 5 being high
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Please check the level to which your students, schools and the community work together to track our Sustainable Community Indicators to monitor our progress.
1 being low and 5 being high
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Please describe any other efforts you know about to green your schools and educate for sustainability in your schools:  
If you are largely unaware of school initiatives, please describe any efforts you make in your class room to green your schools and educate for sustainability:  
Adapted from a survey created by The Cloud Institute with input from John Henry from NJ School Boards Association and Jenny Wiedower from USGBC’s Center for Green Schools.  
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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