Sign the Petition for Fair Tuition!
As COVID-19 continues to threaten people’s lives and decimate families’ finances, Northwestern has a greater responsibility than ever to support its most vulnerable students, staff, and faculty. But instead of rising to the occasion and providing a comprehensive response, Northwestern has failed its students, staff, and entire community at large. While we agree with the closure of campus for first- and second-year students, there are a multitude of problems and inequities that must be rectified.

We are demanding the following:
1. A reduction in Fall tuition that is fair to ALL students.
        a. The 3.5% tuition hike for the 2020-21 school year must be reversed.
        b. Fall quarter tuition must be further reduced by at least 30%.
        c. No reductions in need based aid can occur due to the tuition reduction, commensurate or otherwise.
        d. Any reduction in tuition and fees must be applied equally to all students.

2. Penalty-free cancellation of housing contracts for the whole year for all students studying remotely.

3. A full-scale effort to repay the financial damages caused by the late cancellation.
        a. Shipping fees for items sent to campus must be refunded, and return shipping must be offered for free.
        b. The emergency aid form must stay open through the entirety of the 2020-21 school year.

4. Work study recipients must be given a scholarship in Fall quarter equal to a third of their work study allotment.

5. Owed payment and extended health benefits for all furloughed and laid off staff, as well as a streamlined rehiring process for these workers when campus reopens.

6. No reductions in payment, benefits, or services to any faculty, staff, or students due to the fulfillment of these demands.

You can read our full petition, with explanations and sources, here:
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Ex: Weinberg, Class of 2020
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Are you able and willing to withhold your tuition if admin does not engage with these demands before tuition is due?
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