Do you currently live in Puerto Rico or do you live somewhere else? *
Do you consider yourself a “religious” person? Why or why not? *
Your answer
What is religion, exactly? How would you define it? *
Your answer
Where does religion come from? *
Your answer
Are humans religious by nature, and if so, why? *
Your answer
Are humans less religious than they once were? *
Your answer
What is the relationship between “religious” and “secular” spheres of human activity (politics, science, culture, etc.)? *
Your answer
What is the relationship, in your opinion, between religion and Puerto Rico's current colonial status? Does religion play a role in the current political status of the Island? *
Your answer
Can religion serve as a way to liberate Puerto Ricans? Why or why not? *
Your answer
Does religion have a place in the lives of Puerto Ricans today? Why or why not?
Your answer
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