Religious Perspectives of Puerto Ricans Today
The purpose of this short survey/interview is to find our what Puerto Ricans (both diasporan and those still living in the Island) think about religion as a concept. The questions will be open ended and all long answer so you can write as much (or as little) as you'd like. No demographic data will be collected (other than diasporan status) and even then it won't be shared. This is all for a paper for my master's program. Thank you for your help!
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Do you currently live in Puerto Rico or do you live somewhere else? *
Do you consider yourself a “religious” person? Why or why not?
What is religion, exactly? How would you define it?
Where does religion come from?
Are humans religious by nature, and if so, why?
Are humans less religious than they once were?
What is the relationship between “religious” and “secular” spheres of human activity (politics, science, culture, etc.)?
What is the relationship, in your opinion, between religion and Puerto Rico's current colonial status? Does religion play a role in the current political status of the Island? *
Can religion serve as a way to liberate Puerto Ricans? Why or why not? *
Does religion have a place in the lives of Puerto Ricans today? Why or why not?
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