Volunteer to join ACL 2025 Programme Committee
Use this form to express your interest in joining the ACL 2025 programme committee as a reviewer or area chair (AC). The review period is 1st to 20th of March 2025. ACs need to be available for various tasks throughout the ARR February cycle.
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Please enter your first and last name *
Your contact email address *
Your affiliation *
Your current position *
Which role(s) would you like to volunteer for? *
Choose a track that best match your expertise *
Choose a secondary track that matches your expertise (optional)
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How many main conference papers have you published at ACL, EMNLP, NAACL, EACL, AACL, AAAI, ICLR, NeurIPS or other NLP / AI conferences? *
How many times have you reviewed for one of the above conferences? *
Are you available to serve as emergency reviewer or emergency AC? *
Please include your OpenReview ID in the following format: https://openreview.net/profile?id=~Sara_Johnson1 (Login to OpenReview, go to your Profile, and copy the link in the browser) *
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