Tri-County Women's Soccer League Recruiting Form

If you are simply looking for additional information, please visit our website: Our contact information is posted on the website should you have any additional questions.

About us:

Adult women's (18+) soccer league founded in 1997
20+ teams & over 500 registered players
3 divisions (advanced, intermediate, recreational)
Spring & Fall outdoor seasons
Sunday morning/afternoon games
8-10 games per season. No practices
11 v 11; 90 minute games
Travel is expected, as you will play games throughout the Philadelphia area (incl. suburbs)
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First & Last Name *
Phone Number *
Personal information is only used to contact you about joining a team.
E-mail Address *
Personal information is only used to contact you about joining a team.
CURRENT City/Town (if Philadelphia, please also note section/neighborhood) *
Age group *
Must be at least 18 years old. We use this in conjunction with your experience to help with division placement.
What division are you interested in? *
Please select the appropriate division(s) you are interested in. Note: All divisions are competitive amongst the teams in their respective divisions. Please use the guidance below. 

Division 1 - former college or college-level players, elite travel players
Division 2 - "older" former college players or junior college players, long time travel or 4 yr varsity players
Division 3 - travel, recreational club, some varsity/jv players
Soccer Experience *
Please select your HIGHEST level of play.
Soccer Experience Details *
Please provide further experience details, as we use this to determine division placement. Include location and years of play (E.g. 4 years D2 soccer at ABC College, 4 years high school varsity, competitive travel ages 7-17, recreational club ages 6-15, etc.)
Primary Field Position *
Please select your primary position.
Other Field Position(s) *
Please select all other positions you play.
Commute Time *
Area travel is expected in our league. The average commute time is 30-60 minutes, depending on your division and where you live. Are you willing to travel 30-60 minutes to a game (on Sundays/once a week)?
How did you hear about us?
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