When prophet Ibraheem asked Allah to show him how to bring back the dead, Allah said to him, “Did you not believe?” Ibraheem replied that he is a believer, but to reassure his heart. Allah ordered him to do something so that he would know how Allah brings back the dead. What was it? عندما سأل ابراهيم ربه ان يريه كيف يحيي الموتى قال له الله عز وجل أو لم تؤمن. فأجاب إبراهيم بانه مؤمن ولكن ليطمئن قلبه. أمره الله عز وجل بأمر ليعرف به كيف يحيي الله الموتى. ما هذا الامر؟ *