Wonderfully Made: Human Body Quiz
Quiz for Human Anatomy and Physiology course by Mr. Chris Ashcraft
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1. What is the specific role of DNA in the cell? *
1 point
2. Why is DNA perhaps the most powerful argument for intelligent design? *
1 point
3. About how much information is there in the nucleus of a single human cell? *
1 point
4. Francis Crick said “Biologists must constantly keep in mind that what they see was not designed, but rather evolved.” What discovery was he awarded the Nobel Prize for? *
1 point
5. How complex are cells in reality? *
1 point
6. Approximately how many cells make up the human body? *
1 point
7. What organ is often called the body’s chemical factory, and for which over 500 functions have been identified? *
1 point
How many bones are in the human body? *
1 point
9. Compact bone is stronger than which incredibly hard substance? *
1 point
10. Which of these is NOT a function of the Skeletal System? *
1 point
11. What component of the skeletal system inspired a robotic design? *
1 point
12. The brain is connected to the sensory and response systems using approximately how many miles of nerves? *
1 point
13. The nervous system is made of 100 billion cells that form connections called a synapse. What are these cells called? *
1 point
14. Which of these statements about the Synapse is NOT true? *
1 point
15. The eye is equipped with what mechanism to automatically focus on objects at different distances? *
1 point
16. What photoreceptors on the retina detect Red Green or Blue (RGB) color? *
1 point
17. Darwin said: “If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed which could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down”. What discovery precisely demonstrates just what Darwin feared? *
1 point
18. Cilia are involved with what process in the human body? *
1 point
19. What is the name of the turbine engine that makes ATP? *
1 point
20. Blood clotting has been described as irreducibly complex. What does that mean? *
1 point
21. White blood cells that “eat” foreign material found in the body are called what? *
1 point
22. What binds to foreign substances (antigens) in the body – effectively labeling them for destruction? *
1 point
23. By what age are all the internal organs of a fetus functional, plus fingers and toes are fully formed? *
1 point
24. Nearly half of all abortions are performed after what age? *
1 point
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