The Anne Freitag Library services are available to those directly receiving special education services from the agency, and to other interested persons in the state of Alaska. Through the library, patrons have access to books, videos, assistive technology, and other materials.
The Anne Freitag Library is happy to loan materials to you for student use or for continuing education.
Loan times for most materials are 30 days in the Anchorage area, and 60 days outside of Anchorage. Some materials may be loaned for extended time periods. Materials not waitlisted may be renewed. Contact the librarian to renew items.
You are responsible for returning library items back to the Anchorage location by the item’s due date.
If you have questions, please contact the library through email:, or phone: 907-334-1301.
I agree to comply with all Anne Freitag Library and SESA policies.