Sustainable Beacon Initiative Survey
The City of Beacon has made great strides in sustainability. Our community is eager to further our impact and, in the face of a looming climate crisis and inaction at multiple levels of government, we recognize the need to establish an initiative moving Beacon towards leadership in our area as the “greenest” community in the Hudson Valley.

This initiative will establish working groups and partnerships among our boards, city employees and community. The program will consist of a series of specific goals/projects, to be determined by participants and prioritized for development.

This initiative is supported by City Council, the Conservation Advisory Committee, and Green Beacon Coalition.

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The following are 8 topics that we have identified as important to address. Please rank them as most to least important to you with 1 as the most important. *
Waste: reduction, recycling, education throughout Beacon
Composting: create a city-wide composting program
Green Energy: supporting renewable energy use and installation
Zero carbon footprint for municipal buildings
Open Space Protection
Alternative Transportation: public transit/walking/biking improvements
Trees: planting more along streets, in neighborhoods and parks
Water protection
Is there an issue related to the Sustainable Beacon Initiative that is missing? Please tell us.
What is the most important issue Beacon is facing in terms of the environment? *
Do you want to be more involved? If so, please provide your name, email, and phone number.
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