What I Need as a Writer
Please answer the questions below so we know what your biggest writing needs are. Thank you!
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Choose the option below that describe you best. *
As I writer, I struggle with... (Check any that apply) *
As a writer, I would say I am... *
When I struggle with an element of storytelling, I learn best through... (Check any that apply) *
Tell us a bit more about your biggest "pain points" as a writer? We really want to know, as this helps us better understand how to best help you. *
What writing need brought you to One Stop for Writers? *
Please tell us a bit more about what problem you hope One Stop for Writers will help you solve. *
Pretend you know nothing about One Stop for Writers. As you explored our tools and resources for the first time, what one discovery made your day because it's exactly what you needed? *
What main genre do you write in the most? *
What other resources have you utilized to improve your craft? (Check any that apply) *
If we didn't ask a question that allowed you to fully express what struggles you face most as a writer, or you would like to expand on how we can best help you, feel free to tell us more here. And thank you!
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