2025 Havre de Grace Independence Day Parade Application
The annual Havre de Grace Independence Day Parade will be held Saturday, July 5th at 2:00 p.m. Please fill this form out completely to apply for a position in this year's parade. Questions can be directed to Taryn Martin at tjmartin712@gmail.com Application deadline is June  20, 2025. You will receive confirmation of acceptance into our parade within two weeks of your application. Thanks for joining us to celebrate our nation's Independence! 
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Email *
Today's Date: *
Group Name *
Judging Category - Please Choose 1* 
Choose the category you would like to be judged in. You may only choose 1. If you do not wish to be judged, please check the "Please Do Not Judge" box. 
Contact person: *
Street Address: *The address you list here is the address your Parade Information Packet will be mailed to.*  *
City: *
State: *
Zip Code: *
Phone number: *
Email address: *
Lineup needs: (Please include # buses, vehicles, spacing required. Include any information that will help us provide space and line up your entry in our parade.) *
Announcement for Judges' Platform: (Please provide a short announcement describing your group to be read by our announcers at the judges stand. Announcement will be audible on video livestream as well. 100 words or fewer.) *
Will you have music as part of your entry? *
Waiver of Liability: By checking yes below, I acknowledge: 1.I am 18 years of age and a principal agent of the Organization. 2. The information provided on this application is true and correct. 3. I have read and agreed to the parade rules and waiver of liability as presented to me. (Via email and available at hdgjuly4th.com)      
Thank you so much for your application for this year's Havre de Grace Independence Day Parade! We truly look forward to seeing you in Havre de Grace on July 5th. 

Is there any other information you wish to provide about your entry? Or do you have any questions for the organizers? 

Thanks again! We'll be in touch soon. 
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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