Ši registracijos forma yra skirta tik
ORGANIZUOTOMS GRUPĖMS (vieno ar keliasdešimties asmenų grupė, lydima gido arba kelionių vadovo), pavieniams lankytojams registruotis nereikia.
Kiemeliai grupėms atviri:
Pr-Št 9:00 - 18:00
Apeigų metu į Šv. Jonų bažnyčią lankytojai neįleidžiami.
❗️ During 2024- 2025 holiday period:
- We will be open until 3:00 pm on 23, 30 and 31 December;
- University ensemble will be closed on 24-28 December and 1 January.
❗️ The VU ensemble is undergoing various renovation works, which may cause difficulties during your visit. If you have any questions, please contact the Museum staff at the VU Visitor Centre.
✨We invite you to visit Vilnius university courtyards!
This registration form is only for ORGANIZED GROUPS (a group of one or several dozen people, accompanied by a tour guide), individual visitors do not need to register.
Courtyards to groups are open:
Mon-Sat 9:00 am - 06:00 pm
Visitors to the Church of St. Johns are not allowed during holy mass.