Energy survey
Science in the Bay
Correo electrónico *
How interested are you in renewable energy?
Not at all
Very much
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How much do you know about geothermal energy?
I've never heard of it
I know all about it
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How much do you know about solar energy?
I've never heard of it
I know all about it
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How much do you know about biomass energy?
I've never heard of it
I know all about it
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How much do you know about wind energy?
I've never heard of it
I know all about it
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How much do you know about coal?
I've never heard of it
I know all about it
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How much do you know about natural gas energy?
I've never heard of it
I know all about it
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How much do you know about nuclear energy?
I've never heard of it
I know all about it
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How much do you know about hydroelectric energy?
I've never heard of it
I know all about it
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How much do you know about how renewable energy works?
I've never heard of it
I know all about it
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Do you think that Alpena's use of energy is an issue?
Not at all
Very much so
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How many times a week do you ride your bike in the summer?
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If Alpena were to use a different type of energy, what type would you prefer?
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Would you be interested in collaborating in a follow-up survey?
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El formulario se creó en Alpena Public Schools. Denunciar abuso