Call for abstracts form: Urban Agriculture and Forced Displacement
Submit an abstract to be considered for inclusion in 'Urban Agriculture and Forced Displacement', a volume planned for the Springer Urban Agriculture Book Series.
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What is the title of your abstract? *
Please list the names, organizations, and contact details of all potential authors (starting with the corresponding author of the proposed chapter). *
Please enter a short description of the topic, case study(s), and/or UPA interventions that your abstract focuses on. *
Enter your abstract (No more than 2000 characters incl. spaces - approx 300 words) *
The abstract should summarize: (1) the overall purpose of the UPA intervention that your case study focuses on and the problems it sought/seeks to address, (2) basic design of the UPA intervention, (3) major findings or trends found as a result of intervention, and (4) a brief summary of your interpretations and conclusions.
What location best describes your proposed case study(s) or contribution?
Select all that are applicable.
What time period does it cover?
Where is it located? (Country/city)
Who are the main organizations involved? *
Please provide relevant keywords related to your submission (separated by a comma) *
Please confirm that this abstract contains unpublished and original material and has not been published in duplicate or near-duplicate form elsewhere. If 'other', please explain. *
Please attach any other additional links that may be helpful (optional)
Please add any additional remarks or comments for the editors (optional)
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