University Archives Website Assessment

Purpose: Hesburgh Libraries is looking to enhance your library website experience. We want to gather feedback from you about how you interact with the UNIVERSITY ARCHIVES website

This survey is not meant to gather feedback on collection materials, resources, or other services. 

Informed Consent: This survey is not collecting individual names or department-level information. Responses to this survey will be visible to the Hesburgh Libraries Executive Team and members of the Library Application Management Department and University Archives Department. Survey responses will be used to inform future decisions related to the Hesburgh Libraries website. Anonymized data from this survey may be published or presented at conferences. 

Voluntary Participation: Your participation in this survey is voluntary and you may choose to not participate or end your participation at any time without penalty.

IRB Exemption Number: 24-08-8737

Questions? Please reach out to UX Librarians Danielle' McGhee and Amanda Gray Perry at


This survey refers to the UNIVERSITY ARCHIVES website: Please feel free to refer to the website at

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