APS Foundation Employee Giving Program Enrollment Form
Investing in the Aurora Public Schools Foundation as an employee is easy, and you can be assured that your financial gift will impact the lives of students every day! Over the past two years, the APS Foundation has contributed over $4.6 million to student and educator programs. The APS Foundation is committed to supporting students as they learn, grow and make possibility a reality for their futures! Some areas of investment include: College and Career Readiness, scholarships, STEM education, enrichment curriculum, technology for classrooms, and free school supplies for all APS educators through the Educator Emporium.

Please note, if you are a contracted employee you are encouraged to donate a one-time gift versus a monthly payroll donation. Please visit educateaurora.org/give to make a one-time donation.
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First Name *
Last Name *
Employee ID # *
Work Email Address *
Personal Email Address *
Mobile Phone Number *
Work Phone Number & Extension
Current Home Address *
APS Work Location/Dept./School *
Are you one of the following? (Select all the apply) *
I authorize the APS Payroll Department to create a monthly payroll deduction for a donation in the amount of: *
One-Time Donations
One-time donations cannot be made through payroll deduction. You may make a one-time donation online through our secure site at educateaurora.org/givenow or you may mail a check, made payable to ‘Aurora Public Schools Foundation,’ to 15701 E. 1st Ave.  Suite 206  Aurora, CO  80011. Include "Employee Giving" in the memo line.
I hereby authorize Aurora Public Schools to make the following deductions from my wages for each pay period. This withholding should begin at the next applicable payroll cycle after receipt of this form. This donation is assumed to be ongoing until I request a change. I understand that to revoke this authorization I must submit the revocation using the change/cancel from on Aurora Public Schools Foundation website and it will become effective after receipt and processing by Aurora Public Schools. *
Signature *
Thank You!
Thank you for your support. The Aurora Public Schools Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, EIN 74-2477363. Donations made to the APS Foundation are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. Please consult with your tax adviser about the tax-deductibility of your specific gift.

Please contact the Aurora Public Schools Foundation with any questions.
Jill Ruiter  jeruiter@aurorak12.org  303-326-2042
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