Brooklyn Comes Alive
Want to get involved? We're in search of outgoing friends to help spread the word.

Poster, flyer and online/digital efforts are compensated with guest list comps, festival merch & other perks. Fill out the application for an opportunity to promote Brooklyn Comes Alive. Send an e-mail with questions to

September 17, 2022 - Avant Gardner - New York City
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E-mail address *
Mailing Address *
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Zip code *
Phone number
Why are you interested in joining the Brooklyn Comes Alive Street Team? *
Do you have prior experience promoting festivals or live events? *
If yes, please describe.
Do you attend a college or university? *
Are you willing to receive printed promotional materials in the mail and distribute them in your area? *
Please confirm you can complete the required tasks listed below to promote Brooklyn Comes Alive by checking each box. *
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