IHSSBCA Kickoff Tournament at Mattoon
Online registration form
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School name *
Street address *
City *
ZIP code *
Coach's name(s) *
Coach's phone number *
Coach's cell phone number *
In case of emergency or cancellation
Coach's email address *
Number of teams *
Registration fee: $65 per team
Approximate number of players attending
Include all teams.  This will help us with logistical planning.
Can you provide an experienced moderator or moderators? *
Moderators will be paid $40, or that amount can be refunded from your registration fee.  Coach Aydt will contact moderators as needed depending on the number of teams registered.
How many working buzzer sets can you bring? *
Would you like a printed copy of the questions following the tournament? *
If you answer yes, please pick up your questions outside at tournament central before leaving.
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